After completing the double reservation of the Nishuihan mobile game, couples can get the exclusive permanent title of the event, as well as the rewards of heart-to-heart fireworks and flashing heartbeat fireworks, which can be claimed directly on the web page. I don’t know how to get the rewards of double reservation for couples. Let’s follow the editor’s instructions Come and take a look, I hope this article can help you.
1: If you have not made a double reservation, you can copy this link to your browser to make a reservation;
2: After completing the reservation, you can get the exclusive permanent title of the event, as well as the rewards of heart-to-heart fireworks and flashing heartbeat fireworks;
3: After clicking on the reservation, we enter our mobile phone number, then we get the corresponding verification code, and then we fill in the corresponding information;
4: Then we choose an avatar, click the plus sign on the right after confirmation, we invite our significant other to make an appointment, and just send the link to your friends.