Web page similarity refers to the degree of similarity between this page and other pages. If your new page is very similar to a page that has been included by search engines, it will affect your inclusion status.
Usually we have been saying that site content must be original, unique, and different. Yes, this is true, but after all, there are not many webmasters who can insist on originality, and everyone does not have so much ink to write, so so There is pseudo originality. We say that the similarity of web pages must be less than 60% to be recognized by search engines to ensure fast inclusion. If the content of the web page is original, the similarity must be very low. If the content of the web page is pseudo-original, it needs to be modified to a high level.
We can use tools to detect web page similarity between our own page and some other page.
If the similarity between web pages is too high, you can take some measures:
1 Use JS optimization:
<script language="javascript">
2 Put into Iframe:
1. Put the above content into the copyright.htm file.
2. Cite the document.
<iframe src=”copyright.htm” frameborder=”0”></iframe>
3 Put the content into Flash:
The content in Flash cannot be recognized by search engines, so you can put the content in Flash.
The original intention of these methods is that search engines cannot find the content inside, causing content differences.
As a final reminder, search engines not only compare the similarity of your web page with other existing pages on the Internet, but also compare the similarity of pages on your own site.
This article is published by Koushuiyu Web Tutorial (http://www.koushuiyu.cn). Please indicate the reprint, thank you!