The calculation of Alexa website ranking is based on the average number of users of the website every day and the number of pages visited per person (proportional to the product of the number of users and the number of pages per person), and the ranking is based on the geometric mean of the two. The official ranking is based on the average of the data within the last three months. In addition to global website rankings, the Alexa website also provides classified rankings in various languages, regions, and themes. The ranking default is based on the Alexa Toolbar that can only be used on Internet Explorer. Not all users use it, so it is controversial whether the number of people who use it can represent the average Internet user.
Many webmasters will pay more attention to this value, because until there is a better ranking method, Alexa ranking still has reference value.
It is especially useful when discussing website traffic, regional rankings, and promotion with clients.
This ranking, as well as traffic estimates, are popular to a certain extent also because this data is public and freely available to every Internet user, making it easy to compare.
Step 1: Open the Alexa submission portal
(Figure 1)
Enter your website address such as: and click Submit. (Figure 1)
Step two:
(Figure 2)
Enter relevant information: (Figure 2) Site Title----------Website title
Site Description----------Website description
Site Owner----------Website owner
Address----------detailed address
Postal/Zip Code----------Postal code
Phone Number----------Phone number
Click Continue to proceed to the next step.
Part 3
Here, you have two methods to verify your website, one is to use your email such as [email protected] , note that the email suffix @***.com must be your domain name, or download the information info.txt to In the root directory of your website space, you can see the text information you just filled in through! (Figure 3)
(Picture 3)
Step 4
After clicking the confirmation link in the email to transfer info.txt to the root directory, the following screen appears indicating success! (Figure 4)
(Picture 4)
Special Note: Adding or changing the contact information displayed in Alexa or updating the website name and description will take effect in approximately one week.
This article is original to PC211 Computer Network. Please indicate the source when reprinting: