In Nishuihan mobile game, when players download the game, there are official servers and channel servers. The official server is the official server, while the channel server is the server of the channel provider. However, many players do not know that channel servers and official servers can be played together. Are the channel servers and official servers interoperable? Let’s take a look below!
1. All channel servers and official servers in Nishuihan mobile game are not interoperable. Official servers can only be played with official servers, and channel servers can only be played with players in the same channel server;
2. This is because the data of the official server and the channel server are stored in different servers. The official server data is stored in the official server, while the channel server is stored in the server corresponding to the channel provider platform;
3. The data of both parties cannot be transferred. The server transfer function may be brought to the official server in the future, but it will only be used in many servers of the official server. Data from the official server cannot be transferred to the channel server and vice versa;
4. If you want to play the channel server and the official server together, you can only download the corresponding version and play together. Check the channel server by distinguishing the game logo. The game icon with the "NetEase" logo is the official server. You can play through the official website, taptap, NetEase Great God, download the official server of Nishuihan mobile game from this site.