How to create colorful characters in Nishuihan mobile game? Below is a complete code collection of how to change the color fonts in Nishuihan mobile game. Players can get characters with special effects by inputting them in the game. Go and try it.
Guide to playing colorful characters in Nishuihan mobile game
#R means that the following font is red (red)
#G means that the following font is green (green)
#B means that the following font is blue (blue)
#K means that the following font is black (black)
#Y means that the following font is yellow (yellow)
#W means that the following font is white (white)
#b means that the following font is blink (blink)
#c + six numbers or AF letters
Custom color, for example: c008000=dark green
#u + text + #u Text is underlined.
#n All text status returns to normal.
#r Wrap text.
The above is the entire content of "How to create color fonts in Nishuihan mobile game-How to change the color fonts in Nishuihan mobile game". Please pay attention to us for more game-related information and strategies.