In Nishuihan mobile game, players can download and enter the game through PC, Apple, Android and other devices, and experience the Jianghu gameplay in the world of Chinese style. Can Apple and Android data communicate with each other? Can Apple and Android play together? The following is Get up and take a look!
1. Nishuihan mobile game supports three-terminal interoperability , namely PC terminal (mumu simulator), Android terminal, and Apple terminal . All three terminals can be played together. You can create a character on one device and log in directly on other devices;
2. Players logged in with Apple devices can play together with players logged in with Android devices. Friends play games on each other’s home teams, and there is no need to recreate the game when switching devices;
3. For example, if you create a Nishuihan mobile game character on an Android device, you can directly log in to your account through an Apple device and continue playing the character instead of creating a new character;
4. The same applies to players logging in using PC devices. Characters created on Android or Apple devices can be logged in on PC;
5. The Apple version only has the official server, and Android players also need to create characters in the official server. Only players in the same region and server can play together. Cross-server team formation is currently not supported.