If this problem occurs when you visit a webpage, it means that this webpage is closed and prohibited for ordinary people. You should not read it.
Error code: 403.1
The 403.1 error is caused by "execution" access being prohibited. This error occurs when trying to execute a CGI, ISAPI, or other executable program from a directory that does not allow execution of the program.
Error code: 403.2
The 403.2 error is caused by "read" access being forbidden. This error occurs because there is no default web page available and directory browsing is not enabled for the directory, or the directory where the HTML web page to be displayed resides is marked only with "executable" or "script" permissions.
Error code: 403.3
The 403.3 error is caused by "write" access being prohibited. This error occurs when trying to upload a file to a directory or modify a file in a directory, but the directory does not allow "write" access.
Error code: 403.4
The 403.4 error is caused by requiring SSL, you must use "https" in the address of the web page you want to view.
Error code: 403.5
The 403.5 error is caused by a web browser that requires the use of a 128-bit encryption algorithm. If your browser does not support the 128-bit encryption algorithm, this error will occur. You can connect to the Microsoft website to upgrade the browser.
Error code: 403.6
The 403.6 error is caused by the IP address being rejected. If the server has a list of IP addresses that cannot access the site, and the IP address you use is in that list, you will return this error message.
Error code: 403.7
The 403.7 error is due to a client certificate required. This error is returned when the resource that needs to be accessed requires the browser to have a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) client certificate that the server can recognize.
Error code: 403.8
The 403.8 error is caused by prohibited site access. If the server has a list of DNS names that cannot access the site, and the DNS name you use is in the list, this information will be returned. Please note the difference between 403.6 and 403.8 errors.
Error code: 403.9
The 403.9 error is caused by too many connected users. This error is returned when the web server is busy and cannot handle the request due to excessive traffic.
Error code: 403.10
The 403.10 error is an error caused by invalid configuration. This error is returned when you try to execute a CGI, ISAPI, or other executable program from a directory that does not allow execution of the program.
Error code: 403.11
The 403.11 error is due to a password change that prevents you from viewing the page.
Error code: 403.12
The 403.12 error is caused by access denied by the mapper. A mapper access denied error is returned when the web page you want to view requires a valid client certificate, and your client certificate mapper does not have permission to access the web site.
Error code: 403.13
The 403.13 error is caused by the fact that the web page you need to view requires the use of a valid client certificate and the client certificate used has been revoked, or it is not possible to determine whether the certificate has been revoked.
Error code: 403.15
The 403.15 error is caused by too many client access permissions and is returned when the server exceeds its client access permission limits.
Error code: 403.16
The 403.16 error is caused by the client certificate being untrusted or invalid.
Error code: 403.17
The 403.17 error is caused by the client certificate having expired or not yet being valid.