In the Nishuihan mobile game, the mission of the adventure of a loving father and son requires helping the NPC Xiaofei find his father, and his father is not far away from here. So how to complete this adventure? In this issue, the editor brings you Nishui Complete the walkthrough for the cold mobile game Father’s Kindness and Son’s Filial Encounter.
Grade: Xiaoji
Mission rewards: Jiaozi*5000, Tied Jade*3, Jianghu Order*50, Internal Strength and Mental Technique*2
1. The player comes to the (1048,913) coordinate position of the Bianjing map, where the key trigger character Xiao Fei can be seen.
2. Click on Xiao Fei to engage in dialogue and receive the adventure mission of helping Xiao Fei find his father.
3. Then come to the coordinates (1201,925). The player can see a middle-aged man at this location. This man is Xiao Fei's father.