How does Diver Dave catch black snapper? This is Diver Dave's guide to catching black snapper. It introduces in detail the location and method of catching this fish. Players in need should not miss it.
Diver Dave’s Tips for Catching Black Snapper
Props: 0-50 meter net gun or silenced darts
Catching method: Black snapper usually appear in groups and live near coral reefs about 90 meters underwater. Once discovered, they can be captured using a net gun.
Fish at the entrance of the Blue Cave: Emperor Angelfish, Yellow Ray, Stone Pattern Electric Ray, etc.
Diver Dave's Black Snapper Illustrated Guide
Length: 35cm
Water depth location: water depth 0-50 meters
Introduction: The fish is black and about 35 centimeters long. It lives in groups on steep slopes near coral reefs about 90 meters underwater and feeds on crustaceans or small fish.
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