CREATE PROCEDURE `justifyGroupNum`() NOT DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY DEFINER COMMENT '' BEGIN /*how to run:call justifyGroupNum()*/ DECLARE p_group_id int; declare p_num int; declare stopFlag int; DECLARE cursor_name CURSOR FOR select c_group_id,count(*) as num from `t_group_member` where c_valid in (3,4) group by c_group_id; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND set stopFlag=1; OPEN cursor_name; REPEAT FETCH cursor_name INTO p_group_id,p_num; begin update t_groupinfo set c_member_number=p_num where c_group_id=p_group_id; end; UNTIL stopFlag = 1 END REPEAT; CLOSE cursor_name; END; |
1. Pay attention to setting the countinue handler of the cursor: DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND set stopFlag=1;
2. Pay attention to the use of REPEAT and UTILE [stop condition] END REPEAT, otherwise it will not loop;
3. How to RUN, enter and execute :call justifyGroupNum()