Where is Diver Dave's Goldeneye Snapper? This is Diver Dave's guide to catching Goldeneye Snapper. It details the location and method of catching this fish. Players in need should not miss it.
Diver Dave’s guide to catching goldeye snapper
Props: Blue Hole Deep Sea Net Gun or Silenced Darts
Catching method: Goldeneye snapper usually inhabits deep-sea reefs. You need to unlock the headlight before catching it. After unlocking, you can use a net gun or silenced dart to catch it.
Blue hole deep sea fish: nautilus, leatherback turtle, sea angel, etc.
Diver Dave Goldeneye Snapper Illustrated Book
Length: 15cm
Water depth location: Water depth 130-250 meters
Introduction: A golden-eyed fish that inhabits deep-sea reefs. Characterized by large golden eyes.
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