In Honkai Star Dome Railway's recently launched Storytelling Tales event, many players have also upgraded their characters to Balance 6. They don't know how to get the full rewards. Here, the editor will bring you a strategy for Honkai Star Dome Railway Storytelling Story Balance 6. Interested friends, let’s find out together.
Among them, I was depressed many times in the fifth fold, which was the longest one. It took me several times to change the protagonist's aura before it reached 60,000 points.
None of the five-star characters used have exclusive light cones, they have ordinary training levels, and the relics have only been brushed 20 times.
"Stories of Storytelling"
Dear Pioneers, the limited-time event of "Stories of Storytelling" is now open, and Pioneers can log in to the game to experience it.
During the event, pioneers can help Mr. Xi Yan complete his new storytelling and obtain event rewards such as the Footprints of Destiny, Star Queen, and Relic Relics.
The guide for Collapse Star Railroad Storytelling Fairyland 6 has been shared above. Interested friends can refer to this guide. I hope it can be helpful to all players. If you want to know more game guides and information, please continue to pay attention to this guide. station game.