If you want to make money as a Taobao customer on Alibama, generally speaking, you must have websites, blogs, forums and other resources that can be used to help you promote it. However, there is another method that some people may not know about, or they may not believe it. Would love to try. Alimama’s advertising space on my website is often bought by a group of people who are neither Taobao bosses, nor do they have websites or blogs, nor are they the kind of people who post product links everywhere. The job of this group of people is to rely on their unique vision to find high-quality Taobao products, and at the same time find high-quality advertising space, and then spend money to buy advertising space to promote the products of Taobao shopkeepers, making money by taking the difference between the commission and the advertising space price.
It seems that it is not very feasible. I was hesitant and doubtful at first. Is this risk too high? But those people did make money. A webmaster I know who is a Taoke guest used to run his own website as a Taoke guest, and the website was doing well. Now he also chooses to buy my advertising space. When he chatted with me, he said that his income is not too much, with an average of one With an income of more than 1,000 yuan per month, of course, I occasionally lose money due to mistakes in my vision, but in general I still make money. He also said that the most important thing in doing this is to find the right Taobao products and advertising spaces, and you need to analyze the browsing of the advertising spaces. Check whether the products of users and Taobao shopkeepers are in line with the website's audience, and try to increase the conversion rate as much as possible. Generally speaking, as long as you are accurate and earn three or four times the price of an advertising space, there is no problem. If you are not accurate and there is no deal, then it is just a mistake in your vision. His current vision is considered to be passable, and 65% of the products and advertising space choices are profitable.
When talking about the choice of advertising space, he said that he would analyze the specific situation in detail. Generally, those who think it is good will try it for a week to see the effect. He said that the advertising space I bought for my website last time was very effective. There was a transaction, which was considered a small profit, so Will buy again this time.
When it comes to product selection as a Taobao shopkeeper, he says that he does not seek the cheapest, but the most stable, and usually observes a product for several weeks. This stability refers to the online rate of Taobao shopkeepers, the stability of Taobao links, the stability of commissions, etc. Once confirmed, it is a long-term cooperation.
This article is contributed by the webmaster of www.tao053.com!