Sakura Bunny is a game that combines action and visual novel elements, full of sexy and seductive plots. The story tells the intricate emotional entanglement between a security guard and three mysterious, seductive bunny girls with superhuman powers. So how much does this game cost? Let’s follow the editor to take a look at the release price of Sakura Bunny Girl.
The Gentleman Game Sakura Bunny Girls has landed on Steam. Sakura Bunny Girls, released on July 25, is a visual novel game produced and published by Winged Cloud. The Sakura Bunny Girls Steam store page is online. Currently, it only costs 31.5 yuan with a 25% discount in the first week. Support Chinese.
A game that combines action and visual novel elements, full of sexy and seductive plots. The story tells the intricate emotional entanglement between a security guard and three mysterious, seductive bunny girls with superhuman powers.