World of Warcraft 10.0 Dragon Kingdom has only been online for less than a year. Unexpectedly, the news of 11.0 has come out again. Xiaotan believes that Dragon Kingdom is still very successful. There are many good innovations, the trade war is also very pleasing, and the small version is fast The update also feels full of content. The only drawback is that the national server is no longer available. If Blizzard continues this trend, version 11.0 should also be successful.
In fact, there is already information about the continent of Avalon in World of Warcraft, which came from the reconnaissance report of an exploration ship.
Note that whether it is the Alliance, the Horde, or other major forces, they are all looking for this mysterious continent, so it can be confirmed that this continent has always existed, and may be larger than Kamlido or the Eastern Kingdom.
In fact, everyone is already very familiar with this section. Isn’t this Pandaria 2.0? Pandaria fought against the forces of shadow, so this 11.0 Avalon is likely to continue to fight against the forces of shadow, or even skip the ancient gods and directly fight against the Lord of the Void!
Many media or uncle party players have revealed that Blizzard may have already started developing this expansion pack, which may include the following content:
Avalon can also use Dragon Control, and the range he can fly is greatly increased.
This is a pristine land, full of ancient forests that have been preserved in their original shape since before Sanderling. There are previously unheard of wild gods, different subspecies of familiar creatures like goblins and elves, and a few surprises.
Avalorun has been discovered by various factions over the years, though they have yet to conquer all of it. For example, the Scarlet Crusaders resettled and established the Scarlet Kingdom on its west coast, a fanatical nation dedicated to converting the local population to the Light camp.
People have also lived here since Sanderling, separated from their kin thousands of years ago. For example, night elf society and forest trolls with new druid forms.
Avalon houses player housing. Players can choose from dozens of potential locations and build their residence in a landscape of their choice. The house can then be upgraded and customized, and given a special Hearthstone background.
Avalorun features multiple biomes and rich landscapes, ranging from sandy deserts to tropical jungles, dense forests, snowy mountains, and meadows. This is a whole new world.
As early as the Legion version, careful players have discovered the continent on the back of Azeroth. There are now detailed maps of the continent on the Internet, but I think this map should be DIY by the players.
There is no more detailed news yet, maybe Blizzard will unlock some related content at the carnival! Players will have the opportunity to uncover the mystery of Avalon, the forgotten land!