Digimon Survival has recently opened a new event. During the event, players need to complete the "Digimon Survival" Agumon Joining the Team guide mission to obtain task rewards. Next, the editor will explain to you players how to complete the Agumon joining the team task in "Digimon Survival". You can easily complete it according to the steps in this guide.
Agumon is located in the south passage of the castle. You can start farming Agumon immediately after entering the castle and opening the east passage. This can fix the black shadow in the south channel, prevent it from moving repeatedly on the map, and improve efficiency.
From personal experience, the probability of encountering Agumon is quite high, and you can encounter it once in less than 10 attempts. Moreover, Agumon appears together with other Digimon, so you can play it with confidence and there is no need to save all the time. Agumon's capture rate is 86%, which is also quite high.
Agumon dialogue:
I think it's great
I eat everything
wait for you to calm down
Looks like a strong enemy, great
I am better than you
Starting to want to make a scene
Why don't you just catch it yourself?