Here we bring you a detailed guide to the details of the dwarf racial characteristics in "Baldur's Gate 3". It is a problem that many players have encountered. Let's take a look at the specific steps to complete it. There are quite a lot of new gameplay and contents recently released in this game, and many new players have joined. This site also has other strategies for this game, which are all problems that players often encounter, including mission strategies, game strategies, etc. The legal tutorial is very detailed and helps players better play the game and experience the content.
In Baldur's Gate 3, Shorty. Intelligent and energetic, gnomes spend their long lives exploring Faerûn's brightest corners and darkest abyss.
Basic race speed: The moving distance per round is 7.5m
Gnomish Cunning: You have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.
Recommended careers/sub-careers
Druid, fighter, rogue
Rock gnomes are the most common existence on the surface of Faerûn. They are named for their strength and love of metal.
Subspecies characteristic [Dark Vision]: The visual range in the dark is 12m
Subtype Trait [Artisan's Knowledge]: Adds twice the proficiency bonus to History checks.
Forest gnomes are smaller than their cousins and twice as invisible, and are rarely seen in Faerûn. They live in remote and secluded woodlands and are masters of magic and crafts.
Spell [Speak with Animals]: Gain the ability to understand and communicate verbally with beasts (lasts until long rest)
Subspecies characteristic [Dark Vision]: The visual range in the dark is 12m
Deep gnomes are more wary than their surface kin, relying on their talents of darkvision and stealth to survive in the Underdark.
Subspecies characteristic [Advanced dark vision]: The visual range in the dark is 24m
Subtype Trait [Rock Camouflage]: Gain advantage on Stealth checks in rocky terrain.