In the game Baldur's Gate 3, as a newcomer, players need to understand the details of the orc racial characteristics in the game as soon as possible. Players can refer to this article to learn about the details of the Orc racial characteristics in "Baldur's Gate 3" to help players get started with the Baldur's Gate 3 game as soon as possible.
In "Baldur's Gate 3", as a kind of passionate creatures, half-orcs are more inclined to act than to think-whether it is the burning anger in their bodies that forces them to fight, or the love in their hearts that inspires them to overcome their difficulties. An act of kindness that you believe in.
Basic race speed: The moving distance per round is 9m
Dark Vision: Vision range in the dark is 12m
Resilience: If you drop to 0 health, you regain 1 health instead of falling to the ground.
Brutal Strike: When your melee weapon attack hits and deals a critical hit, your damage dice are tripled instead of doubled.
Barbarian, Warrior, Monk