What occupations are suitable for Orcs in Baldur's Gate 3? A list of recommended occupations for Orcs in Baldur's Gate 3. In this issue, the editor brings you a list of recommended occupations for Orcs in Baldur's Gate 3. If you are interested, please follow below Let’s take a look together.
As passionate beings, half-orcs are more inclined to action than to think - whether it's the burning rage within them that drives them to fight, or the love in their hearts that inspires incredible acts of kindness.
racial identity
Basic race speed: The moving distance per round is 9m
Dark Vision: Vision range in the dark is 12m
Resilience: If you drop to 0 health, you regain 1 health instead of falling to the ground.
Brutal Strike: When your melee weapon attack hits and deals a critical hit, your damage dice are tripled instead of doubled.
Recommended careers/sub-careers
Barbarian, Warrior, Monk