1. Skills:
1. POLO removes the fog of war from the map
2. MARCO Open all maps
3. AEGIS rapid construction
4. NATURAL WONDERS control natural biological control (cannot be changed back)
5. RESIGN suicide
6. WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY Destroy your own buildings
7. TORPEDOx kills the opponent (x represents the number of the opponent you want to kill, that is, the power ranking in the olive leaf icon in the upper right corner of the game interface)
8. BLACK DEATH Destroy all enemies
9. IR WINNER wins directly (it is easy to get stuck when using it in the mission)
2. Resource category:
1. ROCK ON Stone 1000
2. LUMBERJACK wood 1000
3. ROBIN HOOD gold 1000
5. ROWSHEP 100,000 stone, 100,000 wood, 100,000 gold, 100,000 food
3. Summoning Category:
1. I LOVE THE MONKEY HEAD gets a VDML (used to explore the map)
2. HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON Get the Cobra car (has teammate damage)
3. TO SMITHEREENS Get a destroyer
4. FURIOUS THE MONKEY BOY Obtain a violent monkey boy (high attack power and low health)
5. I DON'T EXIST Get a penguin
6. ALPACA SIMULATOR Get an alpaca (high attack power, high health, low speed)
7. CAZOR, the holy cat riding a shark
8. MONEY=all resources plus 100000 (Empire status screen)
9. ROWSHEP 100,000 various resources
10. NINJACONNOR / NINJALUI / ROWSHEP: Increase all resources by 1,00,000.
4. The function of cheats
1.lumberjack 1000 wood
2.cheese steak jimmy's 1000 food
3.rock on 1000 stones
4. obin hood 1000 gold
5.aegis rapid construction
6.marco Show full map
7.polo removes the fog of war (map highlighting)
8.i love the monkey head and get VDML (Naked Peasant) [Note]
9.how do you turn this on get the cobra car
10.furious the monkey boy furious monkey boy
11.to smithereens a destroyer
12.woof woof flying dog
13.black death destroy all enemies
14.natural wonders control animals on the map
15.torpedo# kill computer
16.# is 1-8 representing different computers
17.ir winner victory
18.resign failed
19.wimpywimpywimpy suicide
20. Note: (VDML’s role is to build buildings first and prevent the other party from seizing mining areas)