This time, the editor has brought users a guide to share the solution to the Qiankun mission in Ni Shui Han Mobile Game "Ni Shui Han Mobile Game". This problem is not big and it is very easy to solve. In fact, the problem can be solved by following the following steps. Yes, very simple.
1. Task process
① Go to Taoxi Village 842.1211 to talk to NPC "Manman" and submit the "Waited Letter"
② Go to Taoxi Village 1110.1190 to talk to NPC "He Guanshui" and submit "Another letter wet by water"
③Go to Bianjing 965.1049 and talk to the two to complete the task
2. Task rewards
4 plot points, 6 Fengyun Order points, 5 Tied Jade and 3 Resting Pills
This is the detailed content of the Qiankun mission guide shared in "Nishuihan Mobile Game". Players can try more according to the guide and find a solution that suits them to complete the level.