以下是代码片段: <% ’================================================= ’过程名:ShowCorrelative ’作 用:显示相关文章 ’参 数:ArticleNum ----最多显示多少篇文章 ’ TitleLen ----标题最多字符数,一个汉字=两个英文字符 ’================================================= sub ShowCorrelative(ArticleNum,TitleLen) dim rs,sql dim strKey,arrKey,i if ArticleNum>0 and ArticleNum<=100 then sql=select top & ArticleNum else sql=Select Top 5 end if ’利用|符号进行关键字的分割 strKey=mid(rs(Key),2,len(rs(Key))-2) if instr(strkey,|)>1 then arrKey=split(strKey,|) strKey=((Key like ’%| & arrKey(0) & |% ’) for i=1 to ubound(arrKey) strKey=strKey & or (Key like ’%| & arrKey(i) & |% ’) next strKey=strKey & ) else strKey=(Key like ’%| & strKey & |% ’) end if sql= & ID,Title,Author,date,Hits,L.LayoutFileName From Article A inner join Layout L on L.LayoutID=LayoutID Where Deleted=False and Passed=True and & strKey & and ID<> & ID & Order by ID desc Set rs= conn.execute(sql) if TitleLen<0 or TitleLen>255 then TitleLen=50 if rs.bof and rs.Eof then response.write 没有相关文章 else do while not rs.eof response.write <a href= ’ & rs(LayoutFileName) & ?ID= & rs(ID) & ’ title= ’文章标题: & rs(Title) & vbcrlf & 文章作者: & rs(Author) & vbcrlf & 更新时间: & rs(date) & vbcrlf & 点击次数: & rs(Hits) & ’> & gotTopic(rs(Title),TitleLen) & </a> rs.movenext loop end if rs.close set rs=nothing end sub %> |
以下是代码片段: pencat=replace(pencat,[Xianghuanlist],ShowCorrelative(5,20)) |
以下是代码片段: <% ’================================================= ’过程名:ShowCorrelative ’作 用:显示相关文章 ’参 数:ArticleNum ----最多显示多少篇文章 ’ TitleLen ----标题最多字符数,一个汉字=两个英文字符 ’================================================= sub ShowCorrelative(ArticleNum,TitleLen) dim rs,sql dim strKey,arrKey,i if ArticleNum>0 and ArticleNum<=100 then sql=select top & ArticleNum else sql=Select Top 5 end if ’利用|符号进行关键字的分割 strKey=mid(rs(Key),2,len(rs(Key))-2) if instr(strkey,|)>1 then arrKey=split(strKey,|) strKey=((Key like ’%| & arrKey(0) & |% ’) for i=1 to ubound(arrKey) strKey=strKey & or (Key like ’%| & arrKey(i) & |% ’) next strKey=strKey & ) else strKey=(Key like ’%| & strKey & |% ’) end if sql= & ID,Title,Author,date,Hits,L.LayoutFileName From Article A inner join Layout L on L.LayoutID=LayoutID Where Deleted=False and Passed=True and & strKey & and ID<> & ID & Order by ID desc Set rs= conn.execute(sql) if TitleLen<0 or TitleLen>255 then TitleLen=50 if rs.bof and rs.Eof then response.write 没有相关文章 else do while not rs.eof response.write <a href= ’ & rs(LayoutFileName) & ?ID= & rs(ID) & ’ title= ’文章标题: & rs(Title) & vbcrlf & 文章作者: & rs(Author) & vbcrlf & 更新时间: & rs(date) & vbcrlf & 点击次数: & rs(Hits) & ’> & gotTopic(rs(Title),TitleLen) & </a> rs.movenext loop end if rs.close set rs=nothing end sub %> |
以下是代码片段: pencat=replace(pencat,[Xianghuanlist],ShowCorrelative(5,20)) |