作者:Eve Cole
更新时间:2025-02-21 14:16:02
fileProductPuroposedefproj.optdelphi 1 default项目的选项i32.dmtdelphi 2 and laterThe file used to store menu templatesdelphi32.dskDelphi 2 and laterThe default project desktop filedelphi32.dciDelphi 3 and laterThe text file used to store Code Templatesdefproj.cfgDelphi 4 and laterDefault project options for the command-line compileroh.exeDelphi/C++Builder 4然后以后openthe openthe openthe executableoh.inidelphi/c ++构建器4和后来的openhelp设置filebcb.dmtc ++ builder 1 and ththe builder 1 and fter the File用于存储菜单菜单spembcb.dskc ++ builder 1和后来的默认型laterDefault project fileilink32.dllC++Builder 1 and laterIncremental linkeropenhelp.exeC++Builder 3 onlyThe OpenHelp executableopenhelp.iniC++Builder 3 onlyThe OpenHelp settings filebcb.dciC++Builder 3 and laterThe text file used to store Code Templatesbcb.bcfC++ Builder 5 and laterEditor formatting configuration fileconvrtrs.txtC++Builder 5 and laterxml converter configurationdefault.bmkC++Builder 5 and laterDefault application makefiledeflib.bmkC++Builder 5 and laterDefault library makefileibm-1252.cnvC++Builder 5 and laterXML converterdefproj.confKylix 1和后期默认的项目选项,用于命令行编译。稍后的文件用于存储菜单templatesDelphi60drokylix 1和后来的对象存储库设置*.dstdelphi/c ++构建器5及以后,kylix 1和loterglobal桌面文件