Fork CMS 使用十分簡單,注重用戶體驗,包含博客、問答、表格等模組,適合於建立小型商業網站或者個人博客,目前官方還未發布簡體中文語言包,在後台可以十分方便地自行製作語言包。
Fork CMS v3.3.9 Changelog:
* Core: added a method to subscribe to events from within the installer, thx jeroendesloovere.
* Profiles: added a widget that shows a login-box.
* Core: upgraded CKFinder to 2.2
* Core: upgraded CKEditor to 3.6.3
* Core: wrong application in the virtual applactions, such as backend_ajax, as mentioned on http://forkcms.lighthouseapp.com/projects/61890/tickets/297 by Wesley Pots.
* Pages: fixed an issue where pages that were dropped on an empty footer-tree disappeard, as mentioned on http://forkcms.lighthouseapp.com/projects/61890/tickets/295 by Tommy Benoot de Velde & Lowie