-- 鬼跳(按住ctrl+方向鍵+側鍵) ---[[ if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == ghost_jump) then while(IsMouseButtonPressed(ghost_jump)) do PressKey("spacebar") Sleep("spacebar") Sleep( math.random(8,11)) ReleaseKey("spacebar") Sleep(math.random(8,11)) end end --]] -- 鬼跳1.2(只需要按住方向鍵+側鍵)(個人覺得沒有自己按ctrl手感好) ---[[ if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == ghost_jump and is_open_up) then while(IsMouseButtonPressed(ghost_jump)) do PressKey("spacebar") Sleep(math.random( 5,8)) PressKey("lctrl") Sleep(math.random(1,3)) ReleaseKey("spacebar") Sleep(math.random(8,11)) end ReleaseKey("lctrl") end --] ]
-- 一鍵上箱1.0 ---[[ if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == jump_box) then PressKey("spacebar") Sleep(math.random(267,275)) ReleaseKey("spacebar") Sleep( math.random(346,354)) PressKey("spacebar") Sleep(math.random(164,172)) ReleaseKey("spacebar") Sleep(math.random(96,104)) PressKey("lctrl") Sleep(math.random(140,1048 )) ReleaseKey("lctrl") end --]]
-- 右鍵瞬狙---[[ if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED" and arg == right_fire_Ju) then --OutputLogMessage("Hello World %fn", math.random()) -- 瞬發PressMouseButton( 1) Sleep(math.random(10,20)) ReleaseMouseButton(1) -- 切槍if(change_gun == 1) then PressKey("q") Sleep(math.random(9,14)) ReleaseKey("q ") Sleep(math.random(120,130)) PressKey("q") Sleep(math.random(9,14)) ReleaseKey("q") Sleep(math.random(9,14)) end end --] ]
-- usp連發---[[ if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == usp_fire) then -- usp連發壓槍time_sum = 0 move_y = 0 if(usp_push_gun)then move_y = 3 endttonsButton (usp_fire)) do MoveMouseRelative(0,move_y) PressMouseButton(1) usp_speed_end = usp_speed + 10 time_one = math.random(usp_speed,usp_speed_end) Sleep(time_one) RecaseMotime; time_two) time_sum = time_sum + time_one + time_two if(time_sum > 300) then move_y = 0 end end end --]]
-- 雷神三連發---[[ if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == tree_constant) then -- 以下注意,判斷是否按壓的值和正在按壓的值不同,分別是132和123value -- OutputLogMessage("Hello World %dn",2007) PressMouseButton(1) Sleep(math.random(178,190)) ReleaseMouseButton(1) Sleep(math.random(45,53)) end end --]]
-- 雷神壓槍2.0 ---[[ if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == force_gun_m4 and is_open_up) then move_y = 3 --縱向移動座標move_x = 0 --橫向移動座標time_all = 0 --口停止壓槍閥--last_x_pos = 0 --上次的x座標--last_y_pos = 0 --上次的y座標--last_x_pos ,last_y_pos = GetMousePosition() --循環壓槍while(IsMouseButtonPressed(force_gun_m4)) do if (time_all < 60) then --前2發不壓move_y = 0 end time_one = math.random(7,10) Sleep(time_one) MoveMouseRelative(move_x,move_y) time_two = math.random(7,10) Sleep (time_two) time_all = time_all + time_one + time_two if (time_all > 360) then --達到壓槍閾值縱座標停止運動move_y = 0 -- 橫座標開始運動--current_x_pos,current_y_pos = GetusePosition() 取得目前滑鼠座標--如果目前滑鼠移動,自動像反方向壓槍else move_y = 3 end end end --]]
7.ak火麒麟壓槍-- AK壓槍---[[ if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == force_gun_ak and is_open_up) then move_y = 4 --縱向移動座標time_all = 0 --槍口停止壓槍閥--last_x_pos = 0 --上次的x座標--last_y_pos = 0 --上次的y座標--last_x_pos ,last_y_pos = GetMousePosition() --取得初始位置- -OutputLogMessage("%d,%dn",last_x_pos,last_y_pos) --sum_move_y = 0 --y軸移動全部距離--循環壓槍while(IsMouseButtonPressed(force_gun_ak)) do if (time_all < 40) then - -單點不壓move_y = 0 end --time_one = math.random(5,11) --Sleep(time_one) MoveMouseRelative(move_x,move_y) --sum_move_y = sum_move_y + move_y --two = mathtime .random(10,22) Sleep(time_two) time_all = time_all + time_two if (time_all > 430) then --達到壓槍閾值縱坐標停止運動move_y = 0 -- 橫坐標開始運動--current_x_pos,current_y_pos = GetusePosition( ) --取得目前滑鼠座標--如果目前滑鼠移動,自動像反方向壓槍else move_y = 4 end end --sum_move_y = 0 - sum_move_y --OutputLogMessage("%dn",sum_move_y) --MoveMouseRelative( 0,sum_move_y) --位置回執--last_x_pos ,last_y_pos = GetMousePosition() --取得初始位置--OutputLogMessage("%d,%dn",last_x_pos,last_y_pos) end --]]