on error resume next
call catch(顯示給使用者的提示訊息)
option explicit
'必須和on error resume next一起使用,但在網頁沒有正式發布之前最好將其註釋掉,以免在調試時看不到出錯詳細信息
on error resume next
call catch(頁面無法存取)
function conn()
'必須和on error resume next一起使用
on error resume next
call catch(資料庫開啟錯誤)
end function
sub catch(str)
if err.number <> 0 then
dim tmp,path
path = /table/error_log.txt
tmp = tmp & 出錯頁面: & geturl & vbcrlf
tmp = tmp & 錯誤時間: & now() & vbcrlf
tmp = tmp & 來訪IP: & ip & vbcrlf
tmp = tmp & 提示訊息: & str & vbcrlf
tmp = tmp & 錯誤代號: & err.number & vbcrlf
tmp = tmp & 錯誤訊息: & err.description & vbcrlf
tmp = tmp & 應用程式: & err.source & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
tmp = tmp & file_read(path)
call file_save(tmp,path,1)
end if
end sub
sub echo(str)
end sub
sub die(str)
echo(str) : response.end()
end sub
function ip()
ip = request.servervariables(remote_addr)
end function
function geturl()
dim tmp
if lcase(request.servervariables(https)) = off then
tmp = http://
tmp = https://
end if
tmp = tmp & request.servervariables(server_name)
if request.servervariables(server_port) <> 80 then
tmp = tmp & : & request.servervariables(server_port)
end if
tmp = tmp & request.servervariables(url)
if trim(request.querystring) <> then
tmp = tmp & ? & trim(request.queryString)
end if
geturl = tmp
end function
function file_read(path)
dim tmp : tmp = false
if not file_exists(path) then file_read = tmp : exit function
dim stream : set stream = server.CreateObject(ADODB.Stream)
with stream
.type = 2 '文字類型
.mode = 3 '讀寫模式
.charset = gb2312
tmp = .readtext()
end with
stream.close : set stream = nothing
file_read = tmp
end function
function file_save(str,path,model)
if model<>0 and model<>1 then model=1
if model=0 and file_exists(path) then file_save=true : exit function
dim stream : set stream = server.CreateObject(ADODB.Stream)
with stream
.type = 2 '文字類型
.charset = gb2312
.writetext str
end with
stream.close : set stream = nothing
file_save = file_exists(path)
end function
function file_exists(path)
dim tmp : tmp = false
dim fso : set fso = server.CreateObject(Scripting.FilesyStemObject)
if fso.fileexists(server.MapPath(path)) then tmp = true
if fso.folderexists(server.MapPath(path)) then tmp = true
set fso = nothing
file_exists = tmp
end function