//浮雕procedure Emboss(SrcBmp,DestBmp:TBitmap;AzimuthChange:integer);overload;var i, j, Gray, Azimuthvalue, R, G, B: integer; SrcRGB, SrcRGB1, SrcRGB2, DestRGB: pRGB for iplebe; = 0 to SrcBmp.Height - 1 do begin SrcRGB := SrcBmp.ScanLine[i]; DestRGB := DestBmp.ScanLine[i]; if (AzimuthChange >= -180) and (AzimuthChange < -135) then begin if i > 0 then SrcRGB1 :LScan S -1] else SrcRGB1 := SrcRGB; Inc(SrcRGB1); SrcRGB2 := SrcRGB; Inc(SrcRGB2); end else if (AzimuthChange >= -135) and (AzimuthChange < -90) then begin if i > 0 then SrcB1 . 1] else SrcRGB1 := SrcRGB; SrcRGB2 := SrcRGB1; Inc(SrcRGB2); end else if (AzimuthChange >= -90) and (AzimuthChange < -45) then begin if i > 0 then SrcRGB1 := SGBB-1.LScan = SrcRGB; SrcRGB2 := SrcRGB1; end else if (AzimuthChange >= -45) and (AzimuthChange < 0) then begin SrcRGB1 := SrcRGB; if i > 0 then SrcRGB2 := SrcBmp.ScanLine[i-1] > 0 thenrcRGB2 := SrcBmp.ScanLine[i-1] 結束else if 。 (AzimuthChange >= 45) and (AzimuthChange < 90) then begin if (i < SrcBmp.Height - 1) then SrcRGB1 := SrcBmp.ScanLine[i+1] else SrcRGB1 := SrcRGB; SrcRGB2 := SrcR 1; 90) and 。 >= 135) and (AzimuthChange <= 180) then begin if (i < SrcBmp.Height - 1) then SrcRGB2 := SrcBmp.ScanLine[i+1] else SrcRGB2 := SrcRGB; Inc(SrcRGB); (SrcRGB1); end; for j := 0 到 SrcBmp.Width - 1 do begin if (AzimuthChange >= -180) and (AzimuthChange < -135) then begin Azimuthvalue := AzimuthChange + 180; R:=Srcrcm. div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtRed)*(45-Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; G:=SrcRGB.rgbtGreen-((SrcRGB1.rgbtGreen)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SbtGreen2. Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; B:=SrcRGB.rgbtBlue-((SrcRGB1.rgbtBlue)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtBlue)*(45-Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; 135) and (AzimuthChange < -90) then begin Azimuthvalue := AzimuthChange + 135; R:=SrcRGB.rgbtRed-((SrcRGB1.rgbtRed)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtRed)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtReda)*(45-AdivzRedzim 45-AdivzRed); G:=SrcRGB.rgbtGreen-((SrcRGB1.rgbtGreen)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtGreen)*(45-Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; B:=SrcRGBb. *Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtBlue)*(45-Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; end else if (AzimuthChange >= -90) and (AzimuthChange < -45) then begin if j=1 then Inc(Src 1); Azimuthvalue := AzimuthChange + 90; R:=SrcRGB.rgbtRed-((SrcRGB1.rgbtRed)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtRed)*(45-Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; GGB: rgbtGreen)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtGreen)*(45-Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; B:=SrcRGB.rgbtBlue-((SrcRGB1.rgbtBlue)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB) -Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; end else if (AzimuthChange >= -45) and (AzimuthChange < 0) then begin if j=1 then begin Inc(SrcRGB1,-1); Inc(SrcRGB2,-1); end; Inc(SrcRGB1,-1); Inc(SrcRGB2,-1); end; Azimuthvalue := AzimuthChange + 45; R:=SrcRGB.rgbtRed-((SrcRGB1.rgbtRed)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtRed)*(45-Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; G:=SrcRGBb. *Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtGreen)*(45-Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; B:=SrcRGB.rgbtBlue-((SrcRGB1.rgbtBlue)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcR2. Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; end else if (AzimuthChange >= 0) and (AzimuthChange < 45) then begin if j=1 then begin Inc(SrcRGB1,-1); Inc(SrcRGB2,-1); end; ; R:=SrcRGB.rgbtRed-((SrcRGB1.rgbtRed)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtRed)*(45-Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; G:=SrcRGBb. *Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtGreen)*(45-Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; B:=SrcRGB.rgbtBlue-((SrcRGB1.rgbtBlue)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcR2. Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; end else if (AzimuthChange >= 45) and (AzimuthChange < 90) then begin if j=1 then Inc(SrcRGB2,-1); Azimuthvalue := AzimuthChange - 45; R:=SrcRGB.rgbtRed-((SrcRGB1.rgbtRed)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtRed)*(45-Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; G:=SrcRGBb. *Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtGreen)*(45-Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; B:=SrcRGB.rgbtBlue-((SrcRGB1.rgbtBlue)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcR2. Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; end else if (AzimuthChange >= 90) and (AzimuthChange < 135) then begin Azimuthvalue := AzimuthChange - 90; R:=SrcRGB.rgbtRed-((SueRGB1. 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtRed)*(45-Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; G:=SrcRGB.rgbtGreen-((SrcRGB1.rgbtGreen)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SbtGreen2. Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; B:=SrcRGB.rgbtBlue-((SrcRGB1.rgbtBlue)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtBlue)*(45-Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; ) and (AzimuthChange <= 180) then begin Azimuthvalue := AzimuthChange - 135; R:=SrcRGB.rgbtRed-((SrcRGB1.rgbtRed)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtRed)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbt-Red)*(455); G:=SrcRGB.rgbtGreen-((SrcRGB1.rgbtGreen)*Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtGreen)*(45-Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; B:=SrcRGBb. *Azimuthvalue div 45)-((SrcRGB2.rgbtBlue)*(45-Azimuthvalue) div 45)+78; end; R:=Min(R,255); R:=Max(R,0); G:=Min(G, 255); G:=Max(G,0); B:=Min(B,255); B:=Max(B,0); Gray := (R shr 2) + (R shr 4) + (G shr 1) + (G shr 4) + (B shr 3); DestRGB.rgbtRed:=Gray; DestRGB.rgbtGreen:=Gray; DestRGB.rgbtBlue:=GrayRGB.rgbtGreen:=Gray; DestRGB.rgbtBlue:=GrayRGB ; if (j=-180) and (AzimuthChange<-135)) or ((AzimuthChange>=90) and (AzimuthChange<=180))) then begin Inc(SrcRGB1); end; if (j=135) and (AzimuthChange<180)) 或 ((AzimuthChange>=-180) or ((AzimuthChange>=-180) 和 (Azimuth <=-90))) then begin Inc(SrcRGB2); end; Inc(SrcRGB); Inc(DestRGB); end; end;end;procedure Emboss(Bmp:TBitmap;AzimuthChange:integer;ElevationChange:integer;WeightChange:integer);overload;TBvardBmp:005; begin DestBmp:=TBitmap.Create; DestBmp.Assign(Bmp); Emboss(Bmp,DestBmp,AzimuthChange,ElevationChange,WeightChange); Bmp.Assign(DestBmp);end;//反色procedure Negative(Bmp:TBitmap);var i, jGB; pRGBTriple;begin Bmp.PixelFormat:=pf24Bit; for i := 0 to Bmp.Height - 1 do begin PRGB := Bmp.ScanLine[i]; for j := 0 to Bmp.Width - 1 do begin PRGB^.rgbtRed :=not PRGB^.rgbtRed ; PRGB^.rgbtGreenGB^.rgbtGreenGB^.rgbtGreenGB^.rgbtGreenGB^.rgbtGreenGB^.rgbtGreenGB^.rgbtGreen :=not PRGB^.rgbtGreen; PRGB^.rgbtBlue :=not PRGB^.rgbtBlue; Inc(PRGB); end; end;end;//曝光procedure Exposure(Bmp:TBitmap);var i, j: integer; PRGB: pRGBTriple;begin Bmp.PixelFormat:=pf24Bit; for i := 0 to Bmp.Height - 1 do begin PRGB := Bmp.ScanLine[i]; for j := 0 to Bmp.Width - 1 do begin if PRGB^.rgbtRed<128 then PRGB^.rgbtRed :=not PRGB^.rgbtRed ; if PRGB^.rgbtGreen<128 then PRGB^.rgbtRed ; if PRGB^.rgbtGreen<128 then PRGB^.rgbGBt^ :nnot ; if PRGB^.rgbtBlue<128 then PRGB^.rgbt? :pRGBTriple; Value:Integer; procedure IncRGB; begin Inc(SrcPreRGB); Inc(SrcRGB); Inc(SrcNextRGB); end; procedure DecRGB; begin Inc(SrcPreRGB,-1); Inc(SrcRGB,-1); Inc(SrcNextRGB,-1); end; .PixelFormat:=pf24Bit; for i := 0 to SrcBmp.Height - 1 do begin if i > 0 then SrcPreRGB:=SrcBmp.ScanLine[i-1] else SrcPreRGB := SrcBmp.ScanLine[i]; SrcRGB := SrcBmp.ScanLine[He - 1 then SrcNextRGB:=SrcBmp.ScanLine[i+1] else SrcNextRGB:=SrcBmp.ScanLine[i]; for j := 0 to SrcBmp.Width - 1 do begin if j > 0 then DecRGB; Value:=SrcPreRGB.rgbtRed+SrcRGB.rgbtRed+SrcNextRGB.rgbtRed; if j > 0 then IncRGB; Value:=Value+SrcPreRGB.rgbtRed+SrcRGB.rgbtRed+SrcdR.R. Value:=(Value+SrcPreRGB.rgbtRed+SrcRGB.rgbtRed+SrcNextRGB.rgbtRed) div 9; DecRGB; SrcRGB.rgbtRed:=value; if j > 0 then DecRGB; Value:=SrcPreRGB.rgbtGreen+SrcRGB.rgbtGreen+SrcNextRGB.rgbtGreen; if j > 0 then IncRGB; Value:=Value+SrcPreRGB.rgbtGreen+SrcRGB.rgbtGreen+Srcnidr. Value:=(Value+SrcPreRGB.rgbtGreen+SrcRGB.rgbtGreen+SrcNextRGB.rgbtGreen) div 9; DecRGB; SrcRGB.rgbtGreen:=value; if j > 0 then DecRGB; Value:=SrcPreRGB.rgbtBlue+SrcRGB.rgbtBlue+SrcNextRGB.rgbtBlue; if j > 0 then IncRGB; Value:=Value+SrcPreRGB.rgbtBlue+SrcRGB.rgbtBlue+Srcnidr. Value:=(Value+SrcPreRGB.rgbtBlue+SrcRGB.rgbtBlue+SrcNextRGB.rgbtBlue) div 9; DecRGB; SrcRGB.rgbtBlue:=value; IncRGB; end; end;end;//銳化procureTBen(Srcmap); var i, j: integer; SrcRGB: pRGBTriple; SrcPreRGB: pRGBTriple; Value: integer;begin SrcBmp.PixelFormat:=pf24Bit; for i := 0 to SrcBmp.Height - 1 do begin SrcRGB := SrcBmp.ScanLine[i0Bif iLine[icm .ScanLine[i-1] else SrcPreRGB:=SrcBmp.ScanLine[i]; for j := 0 至 SrcBmp.Width - 1 do begin if j = 1 then Dec(SrcPreRGB); Value:=SrcRGB.rgbtRed+(SrcRGB.Sgbt-Red 2; Value:=Max(0,Value); Value:=Min(255,Value); SrcRGB.rgbtRed:=value; Value:=SrcRGB.rgbtGreen+(SrcRGB.rgbtGreen-SrcPreRGB.rgbtGreen) div 2; 0,Value); Value:=Min(255,Value); SrcRGB.rgbtGreen:=value; Value:=SrcRGB.rgbtBlue+(SrcRGB.rgbtBlue-SrcPreRGB.rgbtBlue) div 2; Value:=Max(0,Value); Value:=Min(255,Value 2; Value:=Max(0,Value); Value:=Min(255,Value); value; Inc(SrcRGB); Inc(SrcPreRGB); end; end;end; [影像的旋轉和翻轉]以下程式碼以ScanLine配合指針移動實現,用於24位色! //旋轉90度procedure Rotate90(const Bitmap:TBitmap);var i,j:Integer; rowIn,rowOut:pRGBTriple; Bmp:TBitmap; Width,Height:Integer;begin Bmp:=TBitmap.Create; Bmp.Width := Bitmap.Height; Bmp.Height := Bitmap.Width; Bmp.PixelFormat := pf24bit; Width:=Bitmap.Width-1; Height:=Bitmap.Height-1; for j := 0 to Height do begin rowIn := Bitmap.ScanLine[j]; for i := 0 to Width do begin rowOut := Bmp.ScanLine[i]; Inc(rowOut,Height - j); rowOut^ := rowIn^; Inc(rowIn); end; end; Bitmap.Assign(Bmp);end;//旋轉180度procedure Rotate180(const Bitmap:TBitmap);var i,j:Integer; rowIn,rowOut:pRGBTriple; Bmp: TBitmap; Width,Height:Integer;begin Bmp:=TBitmap.Create; Bmp.Width := Bitmap.Width; Bmp.Height := Bitmap.Height; Bmp.PixelFormat := pf24bit; Width:=Bitmap.Width-1; Height:=Bitmap.Height-1; for j := 0 to Height do begin rowIn := Bitmap.ScanLine[j]; for i := 0 to Width do begin rowOut := Bmp.ScanLine[Height - j]; Inc(rowOut,Width - i); rowOut^ := rowIn^; Inc(rowIn); end; end; Bitmap.Assign(Bmp);end;//旋轉270度procedure Rotate270(const Bitmap:TBitmap);var i,j:Integer; rowIn,rowOut:pRGBTriple; Bmp:TBitmap; Width,Height:Integer;begin Bmp:=TBitmap.Create; Bmp.Width := Bitmap.Height; Bmp.Height := Bitmap.Width; Bmp.PixelFormat := pf24bit; Width:=Bitmap.Width-PixelFormat:= pf24bit; Width:=Bitmap。 1; Height:=Bitmap.Height-1; for j := 0 to Height do begin rowIn := Bitmap.ScanLine[j]; for i := 0 to Width do begin rowOut := Bmp.ScanLine[Width - i]; Inc(rowOut,j); rowOut^ := rowIn^; Inc(rowIn) ; end; end; Bitmap.Assign(Bmp);end;//任意角度function RotateBitmap(Bitmap:TBitmap;Angle:Integer;BackColor:TColor):TBitmap;var i,j,iOriginal,jOriginal,CosPoint,SinPoint : integer; RowOriginal,RowRotated : pRGBTriple; SinTheta,CosThe : 完成; Result:=TBitmap.Create; Result.PixelFormat := pf24bit; Result.Canvas.Brush.Color:=BackColor; Angle:=Angle Mod 360; if Angle<0 then Angle:=360-Abs(Angle); if Angle= 0 then Result.Assign(Bitmap) else if Angle=90 then begin Result.Assign(Bitmap); Rotate90(Result);//如果是旋轉90度,直接呼叫上面的程式碼end else if (Angle>90) and (Angle<180) then begin AngleAdd:=90; Angle:=Angle -AngleAdd; end else if Angle=180 then begin Result.Assign(Bitmap); Rotate180(Result);//如果是旋轉180度,直接呼叫上面的過程end else if (Angle>180) and (Angle<270) then begin AngleAdd:=180; Angle:=Angle-AngleAdd; end else if AngleAdd:=180; Angle:=Angle-AngleAdd; Angle =270 then begin Result.Assign(Bitmap); Rotate270(Result);//如果是旋轉270度,直接呼叫上面的過程end else if (Angle>270) and (Angle<360) then begin AngleAdd:=270; Angle:=Angle-AngleAdd; end else AngleAdd: =0; if (Angle>0) and (Angle<90) then begin SinCos((Angle + AngleAdd) * Pi / 180, SinTheta, CosTheta); if (SinTheta * CosTheta) < 0 then begin Result.Width := Round(Abs(Bitmap.Width * CosTheta - Bitmap.Height * SinTheta)); Result.Height : Result.Height := Round(Abs(Bitmap.Width * SinTheta - Bitmap.Height * CosTheta)); end else begin Result.Width := Round(Abs(Bitmap.Width * CosTheta + Bitmap.Height * SinTheta)); Result.Height := Round(Abs(Bitmap.Width * SinTheta + Bitmap.Height * CosTheta)); end ; CosTheta:=Abs(CosTheta); SinTheta:=Abs(SinTheta); if (AngleAdd=0) 或 (AngleAdd=180) then begin CosPoint:=Round(Bitmap.Height*CosTheta); SinPoint:=Round(Bitmap.Height*SinTheta); end else begin SinPoint:=Round(Bitmap.Width*CosTheta ); CosPoint:=Round(Bitmap.Width*SinTheta); end; for j := 0 to Result.Height-1 do begin RowRotated := Result.Scanline[j]; for i := 0 to Result.Width-1 do begin Case AngleAdd of 0: begin jOriginal := Round((j+1) *CosTheta-(i+1-SinPoint)*SinTheta)-1; iOriginal := Round((i+1)*CosTheta-(CosPoint-j-1)*SinTheta)-1; end; 90: begin iOriginal := Round((j+1)*SinTheta-(i+1-SinPoint)*CosTheta )-1; jOriginal := Bitmap.Height-Round((i+1)*SinTheta-(CosPoint-j-1)*CosTheta); end; 180: begin jOriginal := Bitmap.Height-Round((j+1)*CosTheta-(i+ 1-SinPoint)*SinTheta); iOriginal := Bitmap.Width-Round((i+1)*CosTheta-(CosPoint-j-1)*SinTheta); end; 270: begin iOriginal := Bitmap.Width-Round((j+1)*SinTheta-(i+ 1-SinPoint)*CosTheta); jOriginal := Round((i+1)*SinTheta-(CosPoint-j-1)*CosTheta)-1; end; end; if (iOriginal >= 0) and (iOriginal <= Bitmap.Width-1)and (jOriginal >= 0) and (jOriginal <= Bitmap.Height-1) then begin RowOriginal := Bitmap.Scanline[jOriginal]; Inc(RowOriginal,iOriginal); RowRotated^ := RowOriginal^; Inc(RowRotated); end else begin Inc(RowRotated); end; end; end; end;end;//水平翻轉procedure FlipHorz(const Bitmap:TBitmap); var i,j:Integer; rowIn,rowOut:pRGBTriple; Bmp:TBitmap; Width,Height:Integer;begin Bmp:=TBitmap.Create; Bmp.Width := Bitmap.Width; Bmp.Height := Bitmap.Height; Bmp.PixelFormat := pf24bit; Width:=Bitmap.Width-PixelFormat:= pf24bit; Width:=Bitmap。 1; Height:=Bitmap.Height-1; for j := 0 to Height do begin rowIn := Bitmap.ScanLine[j]; for i := 0 to Width do begin rowOut := Bmp.ScanLine[j]; Inc(rowOut,Width - i); rowOut^ := rowIn^; Inc(rowIn) ; end; end; Bitmap.Assign(Bmp);end;//垂直翻轉procedure FlipVert(const Bitmap:TBitmap);var i,j:Integer; rowIn,rowOut:pRGBTriple; Bmp:TBitmap; Width,Height:Integer;begin Bmp:=TBitmap.Create; Bmp.Width := Bitmap.Height; Bmp.Height := Bitmap.Width; Bmp.PixelFormat := pf24bit; Width:=Bitmap.Width-1; Height:=Bitmap.Height-1; for j := 0 to Height do begin rowIn := Bitmap.ScanLine[j]; for i := 0 to Width do begin rowOut := Bmp .ScanLine[Height - j]; Inc(rowOut,i); rowOut^ := rowIn^; Inc(rowIn); end; end; Bitmap.Assign(Bmp);end;[亮度、對比、飽和度的調整]以下程式碼以ScanLine配合指針移動實作! function Min(a, b: integer): integer;begin if a < b then result := a else result := b;end;function Max(a, b: integer): integer;begin if a > b then result : = a else result := b;end;//亮度調整procedure BrightnessChange(const SrcBmp,DestBmp:TBitmap;ValueChange:integer);var i, j: integer; SrcRGB, DestRGB: pRGBTriple;begin for i := 0 to SrcBmp.Height - 1 do begin SrcRGB := SrcBmp.ScanLine[i]mp. = DestBmp.ScanLine[i]; for j := 0 to SrcBmp.Width - 1 do begin if ValueChange > 0 then begin DestRGB.rgbtRed := Min(255, SrcRGB.rgbtRed + ValueChange); DestRGB.rgbtGreen := Min(255, SrcChange); DestRGB.rgbtGreen := Min(255, SrcRGB. := Min(255, SrcRGB.rgbtBlue + ValueChange); end else begin DestRGB.rgbtRed := Max(0, SrcRGB.rgbtRed + ValueChange); DestRGB.rgbtGreen :=GB(0gtGreenRGB= GBS. rgbtBlue := Max(0, SrcRGB.rgbtBlue + ValueChange); end; Inc(SrcRGB); Inc(DestRGB); end; end;end;//對比度調整procedure ContrastChange(const SrcBmp,DestBmp:TBitmapValueValueChange:mapValue; , j: integer; SrcRGB, DestRGB: pRGBTriple;begin for i := 0 to SrcBmp.Height - 1 do begin SrcRGB := SrcBmp.ScanLine[i]; DestRGB := DestBmp.ScanLine[i]; for j := 0 to SrcBmp.Width - 1 do begin if ValueChange> then begin if SrcRGB.rgbtRed >= 128 then DestRGB.rgbtRed := Min(255, SrcRGB.rgbtRed + ValueChange) else DestRGB.rgbtRed := Max(0, SrcRGB.rgbtRed - ValueChange); if SrcRGB.rgbtGreenn DGB. SrcRGB.rgbtGreen + ValueChange) else DestRGB.rgbtGreen := Max(0, SrcRGB.rgbtGreen - ValueChange); if SrcRGB.rgbtBlue >= 128 then DestRGB.rgbtBlue Value. DestRGB.rgbtBlue := Max(0, SrcRGB.rgbtBlue - ValueChange); end else begin if SrcRGB.rgbtRed >= 128 then DestRGB.rgbtRed := Max(128, SrcRGB.ghant Min(128, SrcRGB.rgbtRed - ValueChange); if SrcRGB.rgbtGreen >= 128 then DestRGB.rgbtGreen := Max(128, SrcRGB.rgbtGreen + ValueChange) else DestRGB.GcRGB. ValueChange); if SrcRGB.rgbtBlue >= 128 then DestRGB.rgbtBlue := Max(128, SrcRGB.rgbtBlue + ValueChange) else DestRGB.rgbtBlue := Min(128, SrcR.cchanc); Inc(DestRGB); end; end;end;//飽和度調整procedure SaturationChange(const SrcBmp,DestBmp:TBitmap;ValueChange:integer);var Grays: array[0..767] of Integer; Alpha: array[0. .255] of Word; Gray, x, y: Integer; SrcRGB,DestRGB: pRGBTriple; i: Byte;beginValueChange:=ValueChange+255;for i := 0 to 255 do Alpha[i] := (i * ValueChange) Shr 8;x := 0;for i := 0 to 255 dobegin Gray := i - Alpha[i]; Grays[x] := Gray; Inc(x); Grays[x] := Gray; Inc(x); Grays[x] := Gray; Inc(x);end; for y := 0 to SrcBmp.Height - 1 dobegin SrcRGB := SrcBmp.ScanLine[Y]; DestRGB := DestBmp.ScanLine[Y ]; for x := 0 to SrcBmp.Width - 1 do begin Gray := Greys[SrcRGB.rgbtRed + SrcRGB.rgbtGreen + SrcRGB.rgbtBlue]; if Gray + Alpha[SrcRGB.rgbtRed]>0 then DestRGB.rgbtRed := Min(255,Gray + AlphaRedSrcRGBt [Srcestr. = 0; if Gray + Alpha[SrcRGB.rgbtGreen]>0 then DestRGB.rgbtGreen := Min(255,Gray + Alpha[SrcRGB.rgbtGreen]) else DestRGB.rgbtGreen := 0; if Gray + Alpha[SrcRGB.rgbtBlueRGB. := Min(255,Gray + Alpha[SrcRGB.rgbtBlue]) else DestRGB.rgbtBlue := 0; Inc(SrcRGB); Inc(DestRGB); end;end; end;//RGB調整procedure RGBChange(SrcBmp,DestBmp:TBitmapChanChange,Greenhanicge,Green integer);var SrcRGB, DestRGB: pRGBTriple; i,j:integer;begin for i := 0 至 SrcBmp.Height- 1 do begin SrcRGB := SrcBmp.ScanLine[i]; DestRGB :=DestBmp.ScanLine[i]; for j := 0 至 SrcBmp. Width - 1 do begin if RedChange> 0 then DestRGB.rgbtRed := Min(255, SrcRGB.rgbtRed + RedChange) else DestRGB.rgbtRed := Max(0, SrcRGB.rgbtRed + RedChange); if GreenChange> 0 then DestRGB. GreenChange) else DestRGB.rgbtGreen := Max(0, SrcRGB.rgbtGreen + GreenChange); if BlueChange> 0 then DestRGB.rgbtBlue := Min(255, SrcRGB.rgbtBlue + BlueChange) elsebBluet. + BlueChange); Inc(SrcRGB); Inc(DestRGB); end; end;end;[顏色調整]//RGB<=>BGRprocedure RGB2BGR(const Bitmap:TBitmap);var X: Integer; Y: Integer; PRGB: pRGBTriple ; Color: Byte;begin for Y := 0 to (Bitmap.Height - 1) do begin for X := 0 to (Bitmap.Width - 1) do begin Color := PRGB^.rgbtRed; PRGB^.rgbtRed := PRGB^.rgbtBlue; PRGB^.rgbtBlue := Color; Inc(PRGB); end; end end; end;//灰階化(加權)procedure Grayscale(const Bitmap:TBitmap);var X: Integer; Y: Integer; PRGB: pRGBTriple; Gray: Byte;begin for Y := 0 to (Bitmap.Height - 1) do begin PRGB := Bitmap.ScanLine[Y]; for X := 0 to (Bitmap .Width - 1) do begin Gray := (77 * Red + 151 * Green + 28 * Blue) shr 8; PRGB^.rgbtRed:=Gray; PRGB^.rgbtGreen:=Gray; PRGB^.rgbtBlue:=Gray; Inc(PRGB); end; end;end;
PZoom:放大率(整數:100時為100%,依需求可以將100 該為10000 或更大些,但不建議使用浮點數)
aw=Round(PZoom*sw/100);ah=Round(PZoom*sh/100);p1=aw/pwp2=ah/ph// 註:Round 用於取整,如其他語言的Int(),Fix ()等if p1>1 then w=Round(sw/p1) else w=swif p2>1 then h=Round(sh/p2) else h=sh// 註:shr 為右移運算符,可使用「>>1」、「div 2」、「/2」或「Round(w/2)」取代x=aw shr 1y=bh shr 1 // 註:div 為整除運算子ptx=(w*PZoom) div 100pty=(h*PZoom) div 100//以下計算在繪圖區顯示的圖像大小和位置
Pencent:double; // 縮放比wx:double; // 寬縮放比hx:double; // 高縮放比// 獲得縮放比wx:=pw/ptx hx:=ph/pty if wx>hx then Pencent: =hx else Pencent:=wx; // 取得圖片最後的大小vw:=Round(Pencent*ptx); vh:=Round(Pencent*pty); // 計算出圖片的位置vx:=(pw-vw) div 2; vy:=(ph-vh) div 2;// --------- ---------------------------
好了,兩個重要的任務完成(x,y),(w,h),(vx,vy),(vw,vh)已經全部計算得出,下面的工作就是顯示了,我們選擇Windows API 進行操作
sDC 為原始圖片的設備句柄(DC)tDC 為臨時設備句柄dDC 最終設備句柄BitBlt(tDC,0,0,w,h,sDC,0,0,SRCCOPY);SetStretchBltMode(dDC,STRETCH_DELETESCANS);StretchBlt(dDC ,0,0,vw,vh,tDC,0,0,w,h,SRCCOPY);
FBeginDragPoint :TPoint; // 記錄滑鼠開始拖曳的位置FBeginDragSBPoint :TPoint; // 記錄“中心點”位置FBeginDrag :boolean; // 是否已經開始“拖曳”a,b :integer; // “中心點”位置
滑鼠左鍵點擊時,記錄滑鼠的位置和「中心點」的位置,同時設定FBeginDrag 為真
當滑鼠右鍵彈起時,設定FBeginDrag 為假
當滑鼠移動時,判斷FBeginDrag ,如果為假不進行處理,如果為真進行下面處理:
假設X,Y 為滑鼠目前的位置
a=FBeginDragPoint.X-((X-FBeginDragPoint.X)*100) div PZoomb=FBeginDragPoint.Y-((Y-FBeginDragPoint.Y)*100) div PZoom
1.如果影像較大,使用delphi 的點陣圖物件會出現記憶體溢位錯誤,這時可以進行如下設定:
bitImage:=TBitmap.Create; bitImage.PixelFormat:=pf24bit; bitImage.ReleaseHandle;
var p1,p2 :double;begin p1:=pw/sw; p2:=ph/sw; if p1>p2 then PZoom:=Round(p2*100) else PZoom:=Round(p1*100); if PZoom= 0 then PZoom:=100;end;
unit untBitmapProc; interface uses Graphics, SysUtils; type TVczhBitmap=class(TBitmap) private Data:PByteArray; Line:Integer; procedure SetFormat; function GetBytePointer(X,Y:Integer; procedure SetFormat; function GetBytePointer(X,Y:Integer; procedure SetFormat; function GetBytePointer(X,Y:Integer; :Byte); function GetBytes(X,Y:Integer):Byte; protected published constructor Create; public property Bytes[X,Y:Integer]:Byte read GetBytes write SetBytes; procedure LoadFromFile(FileName:String); procedure ToGrayation; SetFormat; begin HandleType:=bmDIB; PixelFormat:=pf24bit; end; function TVczhBitmap.GetBytePointer(X,Y:Integer):PByte; begin if Line<>Y then begin Line:=Y; Data:=ScanLine[Y]; (result):=Longint(Data)+X; end; procedure TVczhBitmap.SetBytes(X,Y:Integer;Value:Byte); begin GetBytePointer(X,Y)^:=Value; end; function TVczhBitmap.GetBytes(X,Y:Integer):Byte; begin result:=GetBytePointer(X ,Y)^; end; constructor TVczhBitmap.Create; begin inherited Create; SetFormat; Line:=-1; end; procedure TVczhBitmap.LoadFromFile(FileName:String); begin inherited LoadFromFile(FileName); SetFormat; Line:=-1; end; procedure TVczhBitmap.ToGray; R:Integer; B:Byte; begin for Y:=0 to Height-1 do for X:=0 to Width-1 do begin R:=0; for B:=0 to 2 do R:=R+GetBytes(X*3+B,Y); for B:=0 to 2 do SetBytes(X*3+B,Y,R div 3); end; end; end.
unit untProc; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, untBitmapProc, StdCtrls, ComCtrls; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure pbBarPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private :array[0..255]of Byte; Bar:TVczhBitmap; procedure DrawBar; end; var frmProcessor: TfrmProcessor; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses untViewer; procedure TfrmProcessor.DrawBar; var I:Integer; begin Bar.vasvas.FillRect(Rlip). ; Bar.Canvas.MoveTo(0,255-BarData[0]); for I:=1 to 255 do Bar.Canvas.LineTo(I,255-BarData[I]); end; procedure TfrmProcessor.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Bar:=TVczhBitmap.Create; Bar.Width:=256; Bar.Height:=256; Bar.Canvas.Brush.Color:=clWhite; Bar.Canvas.Brush.Style:=bsSolid; end; procedure TfrmProcessor.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin Bar.Free; end; procedure TfrmProcessoror .FormShow(Sender: TObject); var I:Integer; begin for I:=0 to 255 do BarData[I]:=I; DrawBar; end; procedure TfrmProcessor.pbBarPaint(Sender: TObject); begin pbBar.Canvas.Draw(0,0,Bar); end; procedure TfrmProcessor.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); X,Y:Integer; begin for Y:=0 to Buffer.Height-1 do for X:=0 to Buffer.Width*3-1 do Played.Bytes[X,Y]:=BarData[Buffer.Bytes[X,Y]]; frmViewer.FormPaint(frmViewer); end; end.
var I:Integer; begin inherited; for I:=0 to 255 do BarData[I]:=255-I;//用255減去該顏色值DrawBar; pbBarPaint(pbBar); end;
var I:Integer; begin for I:=0 to 255 do BarData[I]:=(255-sbMin.Position)+Round((sbMin.Position-sbMax.Position)/255*I); DrawBar; pbBarPaint(pbBar ); Button1Click(Button1); end;
| 0 (X<=a)
f(X)= | 255/(ba)*(Xa)
| 255(X>=b)
var I:Integer; begin for I:=0 to 255 do begin if I<=sbMin.Position then BarData[I]:=0 else if I>=sbMax.Position then BarData[I]:=255 else BarData[I]:=Round(255/(sbMax.Position-sbMin.Position)*(I-sbMin.Position)); end; DrawBar; pbBarPaint(pbBar); Button1Click(Button1); end;
New=(Old/255)^c*255=exp(ln(old/255)*c)*255 var ea,eb,ec:Extended; I:Integer; begin ea:=A/255; eb:=B /255; ec:=Ln(eb)/Ln(ea); for I:=1 至 255 do BarData[I]:=Round(Exp(Ln((I/255))*ec)*255); DrawBar; pbBarPaint(pbBar); Button1Click(Button1); end;
----定義一個timage元件,把要顯示的圖形先裝入到timage元件中,也就是說,把圖形內容從磁碟載入記憶體中, 做為圖形快取。
procedure tform1.button1click(sender: tobject); var newbmp: tbitmap; i,bmpheight,bmpwidth:integer; begin newbmp:= tbitmap.create; newbmp.width:=image1.width; mmphm. :=image1.height; bmpwidth:=image1.width; for i:=0 to bmpheight do begin newbmp.canvas.copyrect(rect (0,bmpheight-i,bmpwidth,bmpheight), image1.canvas, rect(0,0,bmpwidth,bmpheight), image1.canvas, rect(0,0,bmpwidth,i)) ; form1.canvas.draw(120,100,newbmp); end; newbmp.free; end;
procedure tform1.button4click(sender: tobject); var newbmp:tbitmap; i,j,bmpheight,bmpwidth:integer; begin newbmp:= tbitmap.create; newbmp.width:=image1.newbmp:= tbitmap.create; newbmp.width:=image1.width ; bmpheight:=image1.height; bmpwidth:=image1.width; i:=0; while i< =bmpheight do begin j:=i; while j >0 do begin newbmp.canvas.copyrect(rect(0,j-1,bmpwidth,j), image1 .canvas, rect(0,bmpheight-i+j-1,bmpwidth,bmpheight-i+j)); newbmp.canvas.copyrect(rect (0,bmpheight-j,bmpwidth,bmpheight-j+1), image1.canvas, rect (0,ij,bmpwidth,i-j+1)); j:=j-2; end; form1.canvas.draw(120,100,newbmp); i:=i+2; end; newbmp.free; end;
procedure tform1.button5click(sender: tobject); var newbmp:tbitmap; i,j,bmpheight,bmpwidth:integer; begin newbmp:= tbitmap.create; newbmp.width:=image1.newbmp:= tbitmap.create; newbmp.width:=image1.width ; bmpheight:=image1.height; bmpwidth:=image1.width; i:=0; while i< =bmpwidth do begin j:=i; while j >0 do begin newbmp.canvas.copyrect(rect(j-1,0,j,bmpheight), image1 .canvas, rect(bmpwidth-i+j-1,0,bmpwidth-i+j,bmpheight)); newbmp.canvas.copyrect(rect (bmpwidth-j,0,bmpwidth-j+1,bmpheight), image1.canvas, rect (ij,0,i-j+1,bmpheight)); j:=j-2; end; form1.canvas.draw(120,100,newbmp); i:=i+2; end; newbmp.free; end;
procedure tform1.button3click(sender: tobject); var newbmp:tbitmap; i,j,bmpheight,bmpwidth:integer; begin newbmp:= tbitmap.create; newbmp.width:=image1.newbmp:= tbitmap.create; newbmp.width:=image1.width ; bmpheight:=image1.height; bmpwidth:=image1.width; for i:=bmpheight downto 1 do for j:=1 to i do begin newbmp.canvas.copyrect(rect(0,j-1,bmpwidth,j), image1.canvas, rect(0 ,i-1,bmpwidth,i)); form1.canvas.draw(120,100,newbmp); end; newbmp.free; end;
procedure tform1.button6click(sender: tobject); var newbmp:tbitmap; i,j,bmpheight,bmpwidth:integer; xgroup,xcount:integer; begin newbmp:= tbitmap.create; newbmp.width: 1.bwidth= 1.newwidth. height:=image1.height; bmpheight:=image1.height; bmpwidth:=image1.width; xgroup:=16; xcount:=bmpheight div xgroup; for i:=0 to xcount do for j:=0 to xgroup do begin newbmp.canvas.copyrect(rect (0,xcount*j+i-1,bmpwidth,xcount*j+i), image1.canvas, rect(0,xcount*j+i-1,bmpwidth,xcount*j+i)); form1.canvas.draw(120,100,newbmp); end; newbmp.free; end;
procedure tform1.button7click(sender: tobject); var newbmp:tbitmap; i,j,bmpheight,bmpwidth:integer; begin newbmp:= tbitmap.create; newbmp.width:=image1.newbmp:= tbitmap.create; newbmp.width:=image1.width ; bmpheight:=image1.height; bmpwidth:=image1.width; i:=bmpheight; while i>0 do begin for j:=10 to i do begin newbmp.canvas.copyrect(rect(0,j-10,bmpwidth,j), image1.canvas, rect(0,i-10,bmpwidth,i)); form1.canvas.draw(120,100,newbmp); end; i:=i-10; end; newbmp.free; end;
procedure TForm1.Image1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);begin StretchBlt(Image2.Canvas.Handle,0,0,Image2.Width,Image2.HeCanight, Image1.vas,0,0,Image2.Width,Image2.HeCanight, Image1.vasvas. ,Y-20,40,40,SRCCOPY); Image2.Refresh; Screen.Cursors[1]:=LoadCursorFromFile('MAGNIFY.CUR'); Self.Cursor:=1;end;
unit Unit1;interfaceusesWindows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls;type TForm1 = class(TForm) Image1: TImage; Image2: TI;type TForm1 = class(TForm) Image1: TImage; Image2: TImage; ; X,Y: Integer); procedure FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: Integer);private { Private declarations }public { Public declarations }end;var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$Ruse.dfm} procedure TForm1. (Sender:TObject;Shift:TShiftState;X,Y: Integer); beginStretchBlt(Image2.Canvas.Handle,0,0,Image2.Width,Image2.Height,Image1.Canvas.Handle, X-20,Y-20,40,40,SRCCOPY); Image2.Refresh; Screen2.Refresh; Cursors[1]:=LoadCursorFromFile('MAGNIFY.CUR'); Self.Cursor:=1;end;procedure TForm1.FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: Integer);begin Screen.Cursors[1]:=crDefault; Self.Cursor:=1;end;end .