<!-- http://www.downcodes.com --> <!-- bbs http://www.downcodes.com/bbs--> <!--第一步:把如下程式碼加入<head>區域中--> <!--把如下程式碼加入<body>區域中--> <script language="JavaScript"> hexa = new MakeArray(16) hexa[10] = "A" hexa[11] = " B" hexa[12] = "C" hexa[13] = "D" hexa[14] = "E" hexa[15] = "F" function MakeArray(n) { this.length = n for (var i = 0; i <= n; i++) this[i] = i return this } function colours(text){ var posa = 0 var posb = 1 while (posa <= text.length){ var r = Math.floor(Math .random() * 15) var rr= Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) var g = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) var gg = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) var b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) var bb = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) if (text.substring(posa,posb) == "<"){ var posaa = 0 posaa = posa while (text.substring(posaa,posb) != ">"){ posaa++ posb++ } document.write(text.substring(posa, posb)) posa = posb posb = posa + 1 } document. write("<font color=#"+hexa[r]+hexa[rr]+hexa[g]+hexa[gg]+hexa[b]+hexa[bb]+">") document.write(text. substring(posa, posb)+"</font>") posa++ posb++ } } </script> <script language = "javascript"> text = "This JavaScript shows every other letter of text as a different, random colour." text +="You can also use any <blink> <font size=9> HTML </font> </blink> codes that you want" text +=" As long as you don't use quotation marks and the commands have a space between them." text +=" You can use any background colour or picture that you want, but black or white is sugeste" text +="d <b> <u>HAVE FUN!!! </u> </ b>" colours(text) </script>