1. The wallpaper pictures are high-definition and clear, which can better present the details and texture of the wallpaper;
2. The wallpapers are clearly classified, so users can easily find the wallpapers they want;
3. Provide wallpaper selections of multiple resolutions to facilitate users to match the resolution of their mobile phones.
1. Wallpapers are updated frequently and can meet users’ needs for fresh wallpapers in a timely manner;
2. The wallpaper images provided are all high-definition and can better present the details and texture of the wallpaper;
3. Share and save wallpapers, which is convenient for users to share with friends, and at the same time, they can also save their favorite wallpapers to their mobile phones.
1. It also provides wallpaper selections of multiple resolutions to facilitate users to match the resolution of their mobile phones;
2. The categories are very complete, including but not limited to wallpapers of beautiful women, cars, scenery, animation, etc.;
3. The frequency of wallpaper updates is very high, which can meet users' needs for fresh wallpapers in a timely manner.
1. Ensure that users can obtain more personalized wallpaper resources and increase user satisfaction;
2. The operation is very simple. Users only need to select the wallpaper they want in the list and save or share it;
3. After entering the wallpaper details page, users can save and share, and choose to upload their own wallpapers to the app.