1. There are many categories of wallpapers, such as animation, celebrities, beauties, scenery, games, etc.;
2. Different types of users can easily find their favorite wallpapers;
3. It can also automatically change your mobile phone wallpaper to a more beautiful picture.
1. Provides some unique themes that can help you transform your mobile phone interface into what you want;
2. The theme includes its own desktop layout, icons, fonts, etc., allowing users to freely customize their mobile phone interface;
3. No longer limited to the default interface provided by the manufacturer, keep your mobile phone desktop fresh at all times.
1. Provides a personalized icon replacement solution, which can replace the default icon with the user's personalized icon;
2. You can adjust the transparency, blur and other attributes of the wallpaper through settings;
3. Make your mobile phone interface more unique and get the wallpaper effect you want.
1. In addition, users can also collect their favorite wallpapers and share them with other users;
2. Full-featured wallpaper and theme applications that can meet the needs of different types of users;
3. Personalized icon replacement scheme and customized settings allow you to fully control your mobile phone interface.