Slash Qiqi app is a mobile application specially designed for online part-time recruitment. The purpose is to allow users to quickly and easily find suitable online part-time jobs on the mobile terminal. To create value while gaining benefits, the platform is committed to building a convenient, safe and efficient online part-time recruitment platform to provide users with diversified job options and all-round services.
1. Gather information on many positions and cover a variety of industries;
2. Here, you can easily view and select the position that suits you;
3. Easy to operate, users can quickly understand job information and apply.
1. Launched aggregate payment and ensured the legality and security of all work on the platform;
2. The platform can not only provide users with job information, but also provide logistical services;
3. The professional customer service on the platform provides users with comprehensive support and solves problems that arise at work.
1. Recruitment positions will have clear requirements, including skills, experience and time requirements;
2. We will recommend suitable positions for you based on the skill level filled in your personal information;
3. Based on your job requirements and personal needs, you can filter and sort to easily find a part-time position that suits you.
1. After the user is hired, the application also has a work management function, so he can easily check his current work status and work details;
2. Suitable part-time positions will be pushed to the user's account through system notifications, and the user will be notified as soon as possible and participate in the recruitment in a timely manner;
3. There is also an evaluation system where users and employers can evaluate each other to improve the transparency and integrity of the website.