The design style of rule34 is very simple and fresh, without any unnecessary ornate decoration or cumbersome operations. The main interface displays the most popular wallpapers, illustrations, comics and other content for users to choose and browse. The latest additions are easily browsed by swiping, while users can sort under different category tags to find their favorite genre. In addition, the works that users have visited are automatically saved in the local database, so that they can enjoy their collections anytime and anywhere even without a network connection.
1. The UI layout of this application is simple and clear, making it very easy to use;
2. When you open the application, you will be taken to the main menu page;
3. You can choose the category of wallpapers to browse according to your preferences.
1. After you select your favorite theme, you will be taken to the wallpaper list page;
2. On this page, you can browse all wallpapers under the theme you selected;
3. Swipe the screen to view different wallpapers, or click on each wallpaper to view its details.
1. For each wallpaper, you can view its high-definition photos and detailed information, such as the size, resolution, etc. of the wallpaper;
2. Choose to view the wallpaper in full-screen mode, and you can save it in your photo album and use it as wallpaper on your phone and tablet;
3. You can choose to download wallpapers from the application or use other external wallpaper downloaders.
1. All paintings are classified in the form of tags to facilitate users to find content they are interested in;
2. The mobile phone wallpaper also has some other built-in functions to better meet the needs of users;
3. Cut and adjust according to your own needs to adapt to mobile phone wallpapers of different sizes and proportions.