Qingzhi Bookstore app is a novel reading software that meets everyone's book-chasing needs. It is a comprehensive platform specially created for novel lovers. It has a large number of original novel libraries, covering the needs of various types of readers, and provides everyone with intelligent recommendation algorithms based on user reading. It recommends more accurate novels in history, and also has a unique "listening to books" function that supports live voice playback, allowing users to easily enjoy novel resources while driving a vehicle or exercising.
1. Diversified reading modes, including regular reading mode, colorful themes and night mode;
2. The software has a powerful smart bookmark function that can automatically mark the user’s reading progress;
3. It is an application software that can save you the trouble of manually setting bookmarks and make chasing books conveniently.
1. It can provide a global search function to save users from the trouble of searching in various novel directories;
2. Support online synchronous reading. Users can synchronize novel reading progress when switching between different devices;
3. It can provide eye protection mode to protect users' visual health and enjoy one-stop service.
1. Novel has copyright protection, provides a high-defense novel download mechanism, and is software to combat piracy;
2. The theme is simpler, the tools are convenient to use, and the platform will not make users feel lost;
3. Give everyone a good and comfortable reading interface, standardized and comfortable typesetting, and easy to use.
1. It is a program that allows users to completely immerse themselves in the world of online texts and read them comprehensively;
2. The processing speed is super fast, the novel loading speed is very fast, and it supports infinitely smooth page turning reading;
3. It is a very useful book chasing tool. You can listen to books and browse popular works as soon as you open it.