The Shuimao Craftsman Gig Edition app is a very good part-time job recruitment software. It provides various types of part-time job recruitment, from housekeeping and cleaning, maintenance and installation to logistics and distribution. It meets the needs of users in one stop and adopts intelligent push technology. , which can accurately position and push information based on the user's location, job openings, career needs and other conditions, and provide the best part-time job information.
1. One-stop gig recruitment: The service is mainly tailored for gig workers, allowing users to better utilize their talents and skills;
2. Accurate positioning and push: allow users to better utilize their talents and skills, and provide high-quality platforms and services for gig service personnel;
3. Diversified gig services: In addition to providing gig recruitment services, it also provides supporting services such as personnel training and vocational skill upgrades.
1. Provide various types of part-time job recruitment. Users can choose the type of work they are good at, or choose the most suitable part-time job based on the surrounding work;
2. Use the intelligent positioning push function to push part-time job information that meets user needs and locations, improving the accuracy of user part-time job matching;
3. Provide supporting services such as personnel training and professional skill upgrades to make users more professional and attract more attention from recruiters.
1. Professional customized services, from the push of recruitment information, talent mining to professional skills, are all tailor-made for the gig service platform;
2. Intelligent push and recommendation functions can recommend odd jobs to users more quickly and accurately to meet users’ various career needs;
3. Provide complete service guarantee measures to provide guarantee and convenience for users’ part-time job recruitment and service links.
1. Diversified part-time job services. In addition to providing part-time job recruitment services, it also provides supporting services such as personnel training and vocational skill upgrading;
2. Provide a new recruitment method and apply intelligent recommendations to the gig matching and recruitment process, which can greatly improve job matching and efficiency;
3. Professional customized services, mainly targeting the recommendation of gig service personnel, through intelligent matching and a complete service system.