Sesame Crowdsourcing App is an official mobile game and online part-time earning application. There are many part-time mobile tasks here. Users can choose the tasks they like and do them. Generally, they are very simple tasks that can be completed online. When you complete the task, you will be able to get commission rewards. All of them are from well-known companies, and your personal safety is guaranteed. There are not only offline part-time jobs, but also help users earn pocket money in their spare time. Friends who need it can quickly download it. Bar!
Sesame Crowdsourcing App is an official mobile game and part-time online earning application. You can do some tasks online at any time. With its rich online earning platform, you can earn some small change every day. There are many types of part-time tasks, and the people who are suitable for using them are also There are a lot of them. Some students and mothers can use them. As long as they have a little time, they can complete tasks online. The tasks are information sharing, reading, questionnaires, etc.! All you need is a mobile phone. It is very simple and convenient. Help users earn pocket money in their spare time. Friends who need it can download it quickly!
1. Many new tasks will be released synchronously every day, so you can easily earn some income, follow the official account, and make trial applications;
2. You can invite friends to join you to make money at any time, realizing mutual help and making money;
3. The funds earned can be withdrawn at any time, and no deposit is required to join the platform.
4. It is suitable for many people, and there are many different part-time tasks available, with no threshold;
5. Choose tasks that you are good at and make money and dividends. Simply join and you can sign in every day;
6. You can get more benefits by accepting apprentices and sharing. Each user can get 20% of the apprentice's harvest.
1. Provides a variety of commission task contents with different commission rewards based on the difficulty of completing the task;
2. Each task provides you with a very concise guide to complete the task, so you can get started quickly;
3. Users can earn more bounties by inviting apprentices and there is no upper limit;
4. The task content will be continuously updated, and you can choose to complete it according to your own needs.
5. Various new commission tasks will be released every day and can be freely selected and completed;
6. It is suitable for a wider range of people, whether it is mothers, students, etc., everyone can try it;
7. The commission rewards earned can be quickly withdrawn without any deposit.
Sesame Crowdsourcing is a part-time platform where people help you make money. In the platform, users can find the release of various commission tasks and complete them selectively according to their own preferences and needs. Users can choose the tasks they like and do them. The commissions for tasks are very considerable. Some students and mothers can use it. As long as they have a little time, they can complete tasks online to help users earn pocket money in their spare time. Friends who need it can download it quickly!