Hummingbird Crowdsourced Riders is a rider delivery platform jointly developed with It will bring the most free time to receive orders. We can accept orders in our free time, complete our part-time delivery tasks, and easily earn delivery money. Commission, find a more suitable part-time job for yourself in your spare time, and receive various part-time fees.
1. Earning over 10,000 yuan a month is no longer a dream. It can be easily achieved in Hummingbird crowdsourcing. As long as you are willing, you can easily achieve it;
2. A large number of delivery tasks are waiting for you to receive, which will bring you various commissions of different amounts. Choose the task you want to receive the order;
3. The most accurate route can be obtained in the delivery task, and the navigation is real-time, which will bring the most convenient delivery process;
4. Through the order, we can easily find the address of the store and the orderer. The distance between the two will not be too far, and the delivery can be carried out quickly;
5. The distribution of various orders is extremely reasonable, allowing us to receive orders not far from us and quickly complete the order tasks.
- You can get different amounts of commission according to the distance of your order, and each order can be easily completed in only ten minutes;
- Various orders can be delivered continuously within ten minutes. In a limited time, multiple orders can be obtained and combined for delivery;
- Each order has enough time to avoid overtime, and has the most scientific delivery time ratio, so you will not be fined for overtime.
With the best navigation routes and the fastest restaurants, we can save a lot of time at every step, get more orders faster, and be the best choice for part-time jobs. The most basic entry threshold. With a mobile phone and an electric car, you can become a part-time member.
Thank you Blue Knights for your hard work!
1. Vehicle management supports vehicle replacement
2. Improve some knight experience issues
3. Welfare distribution for newcomers, and you will receive gifts for placing orders!