1. It uses many advanced technologies, such as location positioning, data mining, etc., so that users can more easily find part-time jobs that they are interested in;
2. Allows users to view various types of part-time jobs, such as sales, copywriting, marketing, shopping guides, etc.;
3. Quickly find the type of work you are good at, and you can find jobs that match your interests and hobbies among these part-time jobs.
1. View various types of part-time jobs, and also based on the user’s geographical location, work experience, salary expectations and other information;
2. Recommend corresponding and qualified part-time jobs to users. This is convenient for many users who want to find part-time jobs around them;
3. It contains part-time recruitment information. You can directly upload your resume and apply for a position through online registration.
1. Receive further interview invitations. Of course, these are related to your own interests and abilities, and find a part-time job that suits you;
2. Allow employers and part-time workers to evaluate, so that other users can see other users’ evaluations of a certain part-time job;
3. Provide more valuable information to other users. Users themselves can make part-time evaluations if their Zhima Credit score is 80 or above.
1. Allow users to check in part-time tasks, so that employers can see your work performance and results;
2. Users need to complete their personal information, including avatar, gender, occupation and other information;
3. Users can start looking for part-time jobs they like and apply for part-time jobs.