The part-time job app for everyone is a part-time recruitment platform specially built for busy students and migrant workers. It has high recognition and user stickiness in the market. A convenient, fast, practical and efficient part-time recruitment platform, coupled with an efficient resume screening process, can quickly and accurately match user needs and help job seekers communicate cross-border with recruitment companies. While busy at work, create a variety of job search goals and realize the value of life.
1. It has rich part-time resources and filterable recruitment information, allowing users to better and more conveniently understand the job market.
2. There is a relatively intelligent part-time recommendation algorithm, which can match users' needs, interests and resumes and optimize part-time information.
3. Users can leave online messages with part-time recruiters and communicate on the platform, which facilitates communication and contact during the employment process.
1. Recruiting companies can publish job information on the platform, and users can submit resumes through screening, word-of-mouth and other methods.
2. Users can leave messages and get replies from recruiters in a short time, which facilitates communication between users and recruiters.
3. The software has cooperated with a number of commercial map companies, and can locate part-time information and offers near the user in real time, giving a clear overview.
1. Accurate matching: corresponding part-time information and companies can be recommended based on different parameters of the user's interests, majors, and expectations.
2. Online interaction: Provides a platform for direct communication between users and recruiting companies, and summarizes job search information and job recruitment information.
3. Map navigation: Built-in business map, users can find the nearest preferential information and part-time job recruitment information through positioning.
1. Push part-time job information in real time: release the latest part-time job information from time to time and push it to users in real time;
2. Characteristic part-time job classification: quickly filter part-time job information according to type, salary, region and other dimensions;
3. Complete evaluation system: Users can learn about the part-time company's service attitude, salary, etc. through evaluation.