واجهة برمجة تطبيقات Python ذات الهندسة العكسية للتفاعل مع منصة تداول Firstrade.
هذه ليست واجهة برمجة تطبيقات رسمية! قد تتغير وظيفة واجهة برمجة التطبيقات هذه في أي وقت.
توفر واجهة برمجة التطبيقات هذه وسيلة لشراء وبيع الأسهم من خلال Firstrade. يستخدم فئة الجلسة من طلبات الحصول على ملفات تعريف الارتباط. يتم الباقي مع طلبات هندسية عكسية إلى واجهة برمجة تطبيقات Firstrade.
من أجل استخدام الأسهم الكسرية ، يجب عليك قبول الاتفاقية على الموقع قبل استخدامها في واجهة برمجة التطبيقات هذه.
أنا جديد في الترميز وجديد إلى مفتوح المصدر. أحب أي مساعدة واقتراحات!
أنا لست مستشارًا ماليًا ولا ينتمون إلى Firstrade بأي شكل من الأشكال. استخدم هذه الأداة على مسؤوليتك الخاصة. أنا لست مسؤولاً عن أي خسائر أو أضرار قد تتحملها باستخدام هذا المشروع. يتم توفير هذه الأداة كما هي مع عدم وجود ضمان.
التثبيت باستخدام PYPI:
pip install firstrade
الرمز أدناه سوف:
from firstrade import account , order , symbols
# Create a session
ft_ss = account . FTSession ( username = "" , password = "" , email = "" , profile_path = "" )
need_code = ft_ss . login ()
if need_code :
code = input ( "Please enter the pin sent to your email/phone: " )
ft_ss . login_two ( code )
# Get account data
ft_accounts = account . FTAccountData ( ft_ss )
if len ( ft_accounts . account_numbers ) < 1 :
raise Exception ( "No accounts found or an error occured exiting..." )
# Print ALL account data
print ( ft_accounts . all_accounts )
# Print 1st account number.
print ( ft_accounts . account_numbers [ 0 ])
# Print ALL accounts market values.
print ( ft_accounts . account_balances )
# Get quote for INTC
quote = symbols . SymbolQuote ( ft_ss , ft_accounts . account_numbers [ 0 ], "INTC" )
print ( f"Symbol: { quote . symbol } " )
print ( f"Tick: { quote . tick } " )
print ( f"Exchange: { quote . exchange } " )
print ( f"Bid: { quote . bid } " )
print ( f"Ask: { quote . ask } " )
print ( f"Last: { quote . last } " )
print ( f"Bid Size: { quote . bid_size } " )
print ( f"Ask Size: { quote . ask_size } " )
print ( f"Last Size: { quote . last_size } " )
print ( f"Bid MMID: { quote . bid_mmid } " )
print ( f"Ask MMID: { quote . ask_mmid } " )
print ( f"Last MMID: { quote . last_mmid } " )
print ( f"Change: { quote . change } " )
print ( f"High: { quote . high } " )
print ( f"Low: { quote . low } " )
print ( f"Change Color: { quote . change_color } " )
print ( f"Volume: { quote . volume } " )
print ( f"Quote Time: { quote . quote_time } " )
print ( f"Last Trade Time: { quote . last_trade_time } " )
print ( f"Real Time: { quote . realtime } " )
print ( f"Fractional: { quote . is_fractional } " )
print ( f"Company Name: { quote . company_name } " )
# Get positions and print them out for an account.
positions = ft_accounts . get_positions ( account = ft_accounts . account_numbers [ 1 ])
print ( positions )
for item in positions [ "items" ]:
print (
f"Quantity { item [ "quantity" ] } of security { item [ "symbol" ] } held in account { ft_accounts . account_numbers [ 1 ] } "
# Get account history (past 200)
history = ft_accounts . get_account_history ( account = ft_accounts . account_numbers [ 0 ])
for item in history [ "items" ]:
print ( f"Transaction: { item [ "symbol" ] } on { item [ "report_date" ] } for { item [ "amount" ] } ." )
# Create an order object.
ft_order = order . Order ( ft_ss )
# Place dry run order and print out order confirmation data.
order_conf = ft_order . place_order (
ft_accounts . account_numbers [ 0 ],
symbol = "INTC" ,
price_type = order . PriceType . LIMIT ,
order_type = order . OrderType . BUY ,
duration = order . Duration . DAY ,
quantity = 1 ,
dry_run = True ,
print ( order_conf )
if "order_id" not in order_conf [ "result" ]:
print ( "Dry run complete." )
print ( order_conf [ "result" ])
else :
print ( "Order placed successfully." )
print ( f"Order ID: { order_conf [ "result" ][ "order_id" ] } ." )
print ( f"Order State: { order_conf [ "result" ][ "state" ] } ." )
# Cancel placed order
# cancel = ft_accounts.cancel_order(order_conf['result']["order_id"])
# if cancel["result"]["result"] == "success":
# print("Order cancelled successfully.")
# print(cancel)
# Check orders
recent_orders = ft_accounts . get_orders ( ft_accounts . account_numbers [ 0 ])
print ( recent_orders )
#Get option dates
option_first = symbols . OptionQuote ( ft_ss , "INTC" )
for item in option_first . option_dates [ "items" ]:
print ( f"Expiration Date: { item [ "exp_date" ] } Days Left: { item [ "day_left" ] } Expiration Type: { item [ "exp_type" ] } " )
# Get option quote
option_quote = option_first . get_option_quote ( "INTC" , option_first . option_dates [ "items" ][ 0 ][ "exp_date" ])
print ( option_quote )
# Get option greeks
option_greeks = option_first . get_greek_options ( "INTC" , option_first . option_dates [ "items" ][ 0 ][ "exp_date" ])
print ( option_greeks )
print ( f"Placing dry option order for { option_quote [ "items" ][ 0 ][ "opt_symbol" ] } with a price of { option_quote [ "items" ][ 0 ][ "ask" ] } ." )
print ( "Symbol readable ticker 'INTC'" )
# Place dry option order
option_order = ft_order . place_option_order (
account = ft_accounts . account_numbers [ 0 ],
option_symbol = option_quote [ "items" ][ 0 ][ "opt_symbol" ],
order_type = order . OrderType . BUY_OPTION ,
price_type = order . PriceType . MARKET ,
duration = order . Duration . DAY ,
contracts = 1 ,
dry_run = True ,
print ( option_order )
# Delete cookies
ft_ss . delete_cookies ()
You can also find this code in test.py
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