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Network programming tutorial
  • C language labs() function: take the absolute value of long integer

    C language labs() function: take the absolute value of long integer

    C language labs() function: take the absolute value of a long integer Function name: labs header file: <math.h> Function prototype: longlabs(longn); Function: take the absolute value of a long integer Parameter: longn  To o
  • C language pow() function: exponential function (x to the yth power)

    C language pow() function: exponential function (x to the yth power)

    C language pow() function: exponential function (x raised to the yth power) Function name: pow Header file: <math.h> Usage: doublepow (doublex, doubley); Function: exponential function (x raised to the yth power) parameters : doublex&nbs
  • C language sqrt() function: calculates the square root of a non-negative real number

    C language sqrt() function: calculates the square root of a non-negative real number

    C language sqrt() function: Calculate the square root of a non-negative real number Function name: sqrt Header file: <math.h> Usage: doublesqrt(doublex); Function: Calculate the square root of a non-negative real number Parameters: doublex&a
  • C language sin() function: sine function

    C language sin() function: sine function

    C language sin() function: sine function Function name: sin header file: <math.h>
  • [Video] Getting Started with Visual Studio 2005 DropDownList
  • [Video] Getting Started with Visual Studio 2005 - HyperLink
  • [Video] Getting Started with Visual Studio 2005 Calender [Calender] 1
  • Java logical operator examples explained

    Java logical operator examples explained

    Examples of Java logical operators explain logical operators including &&, ||, !, and their operands must be boolean data. Logical operators can be used to connect relational expressions. Logical operator meaning description &&
  • Java relational operator examples explained

    Java relational operator examples explained

    Java relational operator examples explain that relational operators are used to compare the relationship between two values. The operation result is of boolean type. When the relationship corresponding to the operator is established, the operation result
  • Java arithmetic operator examples explained

    Java arithmetic operator examples explained

    Examples of Java arithmetic operators explain that arithmetic operators include +, -, *, /, %, ++, --, and their usage is consistent with their use in mathematics. Assume that the value of variable a is 10 and the value of variable b is 5: Arithmetic oper
  • Java operators and expressions

    Java operators and expressions

    Java Operators and Expressions Java has a wealth of operators, and most of the operators are the same as the C language. They are basically divided into: arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, %, ++, -- relational operators&gt ;,<,>=,<=
  • Java input and output statements

    Java input and output statements

    Java input and output statements 1. Input statements In Java, input depends on the Scanner class. Scanner is a new class added in JDK1.5. You can use this class to create an object: Scanner reader =&……
  • Java basic data types

    Java basic data types

    Java Basic Data Types Variables in the Java language can be understood as containers for storing data. Only if they are defined in advance can values ​​be assigned to the container and then participate in operations, store the desired results, etc., so we
  • Definition and use of Java variables

    Definition and use of Java variables

    Definition and Use of Java Variables Variables in the Java language must be defined first and then used. The general way to define variables is: type variable name; types include int, short, char, etc., all of which are fixed (we will explain below (Detai
  • Java constants

    Java constants

    Java constants are the same as other languages. Java also has the concept of constants. Constants, as the name implies, are constant values ​​and they cannot be modified. Let's take a look at the various constants in Java. Constant classification 1. I