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Java tutorial
  • java insertion sort Insert sort example

    java insertion sort Insert sort example

    Copy the code. The code is as follows: //Direct insertion sort void DirectInsertionSort(int* arr, int nLen){int i, j;for (i=1; i<nLen; i++){int temp = arr[i];for (j=i-1; j> =0; j--){if (temp < arr[j])arr[j+1] = arr[j];elsebreak;}if (j+1 != i)arr[j+1] =
  • Java serialization object serializable read and write data instance

    Java serialization object serializable read and write data instance

    Serialization object: Copy the code as follows: package com.chen.seriaizable;import java.io.Serializable;import java.util.List;@SuppressWarnings("serial")public class Student implements Serializable{private String name;private String id ;private
  • Introduction to the method of terminating threads in JAVA

    Introduction to the method of terminating threads in JAVA

    In Java multi-threaded programming, the java.lang.Thread type contains a series of methods start(), stop(), stop(Throwable) and suspend(), destroy() and resume(). Through these methods, we can perform convenient operations on threads, but among these meth
  • How to use Java instanceof operator

    How to use Java instanceof operator

    The instanceof operator is used to determine whether the previous object is an instance of the following class, or its subclass or implementation class. If so, return true; otherwise, return false.
  • Java connection sql server 2008 database code

    Java connection sql server 2008 database code

    Steps for Java to connect to SQLServer 2008 database: 1. Download jdbc from Microsoft official website and unzip it to get sqljdbc.jar and sqljdbc4.jar. Since JDK1.7 is used, sqljdbc4.jar is used.
  • A brief discussion on the difference between extends and implements in java

    A brief discussion on the difference between extends and implements in java

    In the class declaration, create a subclass of the class through the keyword extends. A class declares that it uses one or more interfaces through the keyword implements.
  • Examples of java implementation of file copying and format changes

    Examples of java implementation of file copying and format changes

    The copy code code is as follows: package com.chen.lucene.image;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.FileOutputStream;public class Change2Image{/**Copy file* * @author chen_weixian* Mar 11, 2012 11:33:19 PM* @param path The pa
  • Java development environment configuration

    Java development environment configuration

    In this chapter, we will introduce how to set up a Java development environment and how to configure environment variables under different systems. This site provides java online running tools: https://www.w3cschool.
  • Java basic syntax

    Java basic syntax

    A Java program can be thought of as a collection of objects that work together by calling each other's methods. The following briefly introduces the concepts of classes, objects, methods and instance variables. Object: An object is an instance of a cl
  • Java objects and classes

    Java objects and classes

    Before understanding Java classes and objects, let's briefly introduce object-oriented programming. Programming is the design of programs through objects. The object represents an entity and the entity can be clearly identified. Java as an object-orie
  • Java IO file encoding conversion implementation code

    Java IO file encoding conversion implementation code

    I really don't know much about IO operations. . . I also have little knowledge of coding and garbled characters. . . Today I encountered a requirement, which requires encoding a file to be converted and the encoded string returned, such as the origina
  • Java implementation of random verification code function example code

    Java implementation of random verification code function example code

    Nowadays, the registration, login or information publishing modules of many systems have added random code functions to avoid the use of automatic registration programs or automatic publishing programs. The verification code is actually to randomly select
  • A brief analysis of java volatitle multi-threading issues

    A brief analysis of java volatitle multi-threading issues

    We know that the operations of setting variable values ​​in Java are atomic operations except for long and double type variables. In other words, there is no need to synchronize simple read and write operations of variable values. Before JVM 1.2, Java&#39
  • A comprehensive explanation of serialVersionUID in Java

    A comprehensive explanation of serialVersionUID in Java

    The role of serialVersionUID: In order to maintain version compatibility during serialization, that is, deserialization still maintains the uniqueness of the object when the version is upgraded. There are two generation methods: one is the default 1L, for
  • Detailed explanation of arrays and collections of high-quality JAVA code

    Detailed explanation of arrays and collections of high-quality JAVA code

    1. For performance reasons, give priority to arrays. Arrays are used less and less frequently in project development, especially in business-oriented development. First of all, arrays do not have many methods provided by collections such as List and Set,