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Java tutorial
  • A brief analysis of JAVA's commonly used JDBC methods to connect to the database summary

    A brief analysis of JAVA's commonly used JDBC methods to connect to the database summary

    1. The JDBC connection DB2 copy code is as follows: Class.forName("Com.ibm.db2.jdbc.net.DB2Driver"); String url="jdbc:db2://dburl:port/DBname" cn = Driv
  • Parse web.xml to obtain the parameters in context-param and init-param in Servlet

    Parse web.xml to obtain the parameters in context-param and init-param in Servlet

    Two kinds of parameters can be defined in web.xml: 1. Parameters within the application scope are stored in the servletcontext and are configured as follows in web.xml: Copy the code as follows:<context-param><param-name> context/para
  • Introduction to common methods in ServletContext

    Introduction to common methods in ServletContext

    1. Obtain the initialization parameters of Tomcat's Context. 1. Obtain the initialization parameters of Context set in Tomcat's server.xml. For example: copy the code as follows:
  • How to install apk software on AVD

    How to install apk software on AVD

    1) First start the Android emulator 2) Copy the APK file that needs to be installed to the Tools folder of the Android SDK (APK and emulator.exe are in the same folder). Here we demonstrate the installation of renren_android_1.5.apk (Renren Client ) file
  • Summary of learning about Java reflection mechanism

    Summary of learning about Java reflection mechanism

    1. What is the reflection mechanism? Simply put, the reflection mechanism means that the program can obtain its own information when it is running. In Java, as long as the name of the class is given, all information about the class can be obtained through
  • How to set java environment variables under windows

    How to set java environment variables under windows

    Configure JDK environment variables under Windows "Computer" and click "Properties"; 3. Select the "Advanced" tab and click "Environment"
  • Comparison between Spring's annotation configuration and XML configuration

    Comparison between Spring's annotation configuration and XML configuration

    Annotation configuration has many advantages over XML configuration: it can make full use of Java's reflection mechanism to obtain class structure information, which can effectively reduce configuration work. For example, when using JPA annotations to
  • Detailed explanation of the difference between Logger.getLogger() and LogFactory.getLog()

    Detailed explanation of the difference between Logger.getLogger() and LogFactory.getLog()

    Logger comes from log4j's own package. If you use Logger.getLogger, you need a log4j jar package. In this way, you can only rely on log4j: LogFactory comes from the common-logging package. If you use LogFactory.getLog, you can
  • Java multi-thread synchronization lock mechanism and synchronized in-depth analysis

    Java multi-thread synchronization lock mechanism and synchronized in-depth analysis

    To use an analogy: an object is like a big house, the door is always open. There are many rooms (aka methods) in a house. These rooms are either locked (synchronized method) or unlocked (normal method). There is a key at the door of the room. This key can
  • Detailed explanation of java jdk dynamic proxy

    Detailed explanation of java jdk dynamic proxy

    To proxy a class with jdk dynamic proxy, the proxied class must implement at least one interface, and only methods in the interface can be proxied. The implementation of dynamic proxy in jdk is generally divided into three steps: 1. Write interface and im
  • Introduction to escape characters in java

    Introduction to escape characters in java

    There are four types of escape characters in java: Escape characters in JAVA: 1. Octal escape sequence: + 1 to 3 digits of 5; range '00'~'377': null character 2. Unicode escape character: u + Four hexadecimal digits; 0~65535u0000: null cha
  • Summary of common methods of STRING in JAVA

    Summary of common methods of STRING in JAVA

    1. Create and initialize a string String b = "hello"; use the constructor method to create and initialize a string String();//Initialize the string, representing the empty character sequence String(value);//Use existing characters String constan
  • Java implements several common sorting algorithm codes

    Java implements several common sorting algorithm codes

    Stability (stability) A sorting algorithm is stable, that is, when there are two equal records of the keywords R and S, and R appears before S in the original list, R will also be in the sorted list. before S. Common classifications of sorting algorithms
  • In-depth analysis of the execution sequence of try catch finally

    In-depth analysis of the execution sequence of try catch finally

    First execute try, if there is an exception, execute catch, and finally will be executed anyway. A function will definitely execute the part in finally. Regarding the execution process of a function, when there is a return, the function will store the dat
  • A small example of java connecting to Redis

    A small example of java connecting to Redis

    The corresponding API (jedis-2.1.0.jar) is required to copy the code. The code is as follows: package com.redis; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; public class Client {public void ge