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Java tutorial
  • Java interface parameters

    Java interface parameters

    Java Interface Parameters If you are going to pass a numeric value to a method parameter, you may want the method parameter to be of type double, so that you can pass byte, int, long, float and double data to the parameter. If a method parameter is an int
  • Java interface callback

    Java interface callback

    Java interface callback interface, like classes, is also an important data type in the Java language. Variables declared with interfaces are called interface variables. So what kind of data can be stored in interface variables? First of all, interfaces ar
  • Java implementation interface

    Java implementation interface

    Java implements interfaces In the Java language, interfaces are implemented by classes in order to use the methods in the interface. A class needs to declare that the class implements one or more interfaces using the keyword implements in the class declar
  • Java interface

    Java interface

    Java interface Interface is an important data type in the Java language. The keyword interface is usually used to define an interface. The definition of interface is very similar to the definition of class, which is divided into interface declaration and
  • Java abstract classes and abstract methods

    Java abstract classes and abstract methods

    Java abstract class and abstract method 1.abstract class We call the class modified with the keyword abstract as an abstract class, that is, an abstract class, for example: abstract class A {&……
  • Java inheritance and polymorphism

    Java inheritance and polymorphism

    Java Inheritance and Polymorphism We all know that "mammals have many kinds of sounds", such as: "roar", "howl", "bark", "meow", etc. This is...
  • Upcast object of Java object

    Upcast object of Java object

    We know that the tiger is an animal. If the animal class is the parent class of the tiger class, it should be noted that when the tiger is an animal, the tiger will lose the unique attributes and functions of the tiger. From the perspective of human think
  • Java final keyword

    Java final keyword

    Java final keyword The final keyword can modify local variables in classes, member variables and methods. You can use the keyword final to declare a class as a final class. A final class cannot be inherited, that is, it cannot have subclasses. For example
  • Java super keyword

    Java super keyword

    Java super keyword uses super to operate hidden member variables and methods. Once a subclass hides an inherited member variable, the object created by the subclass will no longer own the variable. The variable will be owned by the keyword super. The same
  • Hiding and method overriding of Java member variables

    Hiding and method overriding of Java member variables

    Hiding of Java member variables and method overriding When writing a subclass, we can still declare member variables. A special case is that the name of the declared member variable is the same as the name of the member variable inherited from the parent
  • Java subclasses and objects

    Java subclasses and objects

    Java Subclasses and Objects When using the constructor method of a subclass to create an object of a subclass, not only the member variables declared in the subclass are allocated memory, but also the member variables of the parent class are allocated mem
  • Java subclass inheritance

    Java subclass inheritance

    Inherited classes of Java subclasses have two important members: member variables and methods. Some of the members of a subclass are declared and defined by the subclass itself, while others are inherited from its parent class. A subclass inherits a membe
  • Java subclasses and parent classes

    Java subclasses and parent classes

    Java subclasses and parent classes When we are preparing to write a class, we find that a certain class has the member variables and methods we need. If we want to reuse the member variables and methods in this class, that is, in the class we write Withou
  • Java jar file

    Java jar file

    Java jar file When a Java application is running, it needs to load the bytes of the classes used into the memory. Therefore, there are certain requirements for the location of the bytecode files, which are generally divided into the following four situati
  • Java handles exceptions(3)throws

    Java handles exceptions(3)throws

    Java handles exceptions (3) throws In addition to using try...catch statements and try...catch...finally statements to handle exceptions, you can also use throws to handle exceptions. During development, sometimes we don’t have permission to handle the ex