Link: Official Website Mo'Shiz is a content-focused mod that definitely raises the bar for future mods of this type. We've seen a lot of different Minecraft mods that just add to the
Link: Official Website If you've ever played any Dark Souls, you'll know about the campfire teleportation in the game. They allow you to teleport between their locations and even between different dimensions. They can also serve as your spawn poin
Link: Official Totem Guardian Mod can install totems in the Minecraft world, which defend the territory and attack invaders. Totems are configured by configuration options and have 4 basic attributes: attack speed, damage
The craftable elytra mod allows players to craft awesome elytra. For Minecraft players, this is a very convenient way to experience elytra. Synthesis table: Synthesizable elytra Mod download link:
The NEI Integration Mod does two things: to experiment with new types of deficient item recipe handlers, and to put NEI handlers somewhere if I somehow can't get them into the mod they made. This mod is intended to stimulate other
Link: Official website Better Mods Mod, while providing basic functions, the main goal is to enhance the compatibility and scalability of the Mod. Simply put, Better Mods is a personal interest development
Link: Official Website WA Mod adds many new items and blocks inspired by Japanese culture. Screenshots: Download links: Download for 1.6.4 Download for 1.7.2 Download for 1.7.
Link: Official Website The goal of this MOD is to serve as a bridge between Thaumcraft and Applied Energetics. The main focus is on storage, transportation and basic management of applications. Features: Import and export elements to
Link: Official website Thermal Dynamics is all transportation MODs in the "Thermal" series. It contains completely rewritten versions of well-known pipes that were once in Thermal Expansion. They were moved to their own mod as a way to better or
Link: Official website Thermal Foundation Mod is the basic MOD of the "Thermal" series. It contains all the basic materials, worlds and creatures that were ever in Thermal Expansion. he
Link: Official Website App Energy 2 is a Minecraft Mod that contains a large amount of new content, mainly focused on the concept of using energy and converting it in unique ways. Most functions related to ME network
Link: Official website Automagy Mod is a Mysterious Age 4 plug-in about automation and logistics. This MOD is a challenge to attract those very smart players and help them develop better logical thinking
Link: Official website information: Nuclear Power Control 2 Mod is a mod for Industry 2 originally created by Nargon and noosius, then passed to Shedar and then unofficially to x