Vereinfachtes Chinesisch |
Konvertieren Sie C/C++-Code in Flussdiagramme
Weitere Renderings finden Sie in der GALERIE
Zwei Stile:
Polylinie | glatt |
inline int read () { //快读
char c = getchar ();
int x = 0 , f = 1 ;
while (c < ' 0 ' || c > ' 9 ' ) {
if (c == ' - ' ) f = - 1 ;
c = getchar ();
while (c >= ' 0 ' && c <= ' 9 ' ) {
x = x * 10 + c - ' 0 ' ;
c = getchar ();
return x * f;
cargo install cxx2flow
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Convert your C/C++ code to control flow chart
Usage: cxx2flow [OPTIONS] [INPUT] [FUNCTION]
[INPUT] Sets the path of the input file. e.g. test.cpp
If not specified, cxx2flow will read from stdin.
[FUNCTION] The function you want to convert. e.g. main [default: main]
-o, --output <OUTPUT> Sets the output file.
If not specified, result will be directed to stdout.
-c, --curly Sets the style of the flow chart.
If specified, output flow chart will have curly connection line.
--cpp Use C preprocessor.
-t, --tikz Use tikz backend.
-d, --dump-ast Dump AST(For debug purpose only).
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
Note that you need to manually compile the dot file using graphviz to get SVG or PNG files.
cat main.cpp | cxx2flow | dot -Tsvg -o test.svg
cxx2flow test.cpp | dot -Tpng -o test.png
cxx2flow main.cpp my_custom_func | dot -Tsvg -o test.svg
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如果这个应用有帮助到你,请给我点一个 star!
, das standardmäßig deaktiviert ist und manuell mit dem Parameter --cpp
aktiviert werden muss. Schlägt fehl, wenn cpp
nicht in PATH
vorhanden ist.