Midtrans ❤️ PHP!
Dies ist der offizielle PHP-Wrapper/die offizielle PHP-Bibliothek für die Midtrans Payment API, die mit Composer kompatibel ist. Weitere Informationen zum Produkt finden Sie unter https://midtrans.com. Weitere technische Details finden Sie in der Dokumentation unter http://docs.midtrans.com. Ab Version 2.6 unterstützt diese Bibliothek jetzt Snap-bi. In diesen Dokumenten erfahren Sie mehr über Snap-bi.
Wenn Sie Composer verwenden, können Sie über die Composer-CLI installieren:
composer require midtrans/midtrans-php
Fügen Sie diese erforderliche Zeile zu Ihrer composer.json
Datei hinzu:
"require" : {
"midtrans/midtrans-php" : " 2.* "
und führen Sie composer install
auf Ihrem Terminal aus.
Hinweis: Wenn Sie das Laravel-Framework verwenden, müssen Sie in manchen Fällen auch
composer dumpautoload
steht dann als Objekt in Ihrem Laravel-Projekt zur Verfügung (wird automatisch geladen).
Wenn Sie Composer nicht verwenden, können Sie dieses Repository klonen oder herunterladen.
Dann sollten Sie die Datei Midtrans.php
in Ihrem Code anfordern/automatisch laden.
require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . ' /pathofproject/Midtrans.php ' ;
// my code goes here
// Set your Merchant Server Key
Midtrans Config:: $ serverKey = ' <your server key> ' ;
// Set to Development/Sandbox Environment (default). Set to true for Production Environment (accept real transaction).
Midtrans Config:: $ isProduction = false ;
// Set sanitization on (default)
Midtrans Config:: $ isSanitized = true ;
// Set 3DS transaction for credit card to true
Midtrans Config:: $ is3ds = true ;
Sie können bei jeder Transaktion benutzerdefinierte Benachrichtigungs-URLs ändern oder hinzufügen. Dies kann durch das Hinzufügen zusätzlicher HTTP-Header zur Gebührenanforderung erreicht werden.
// Add new notification url(s) alongside the settings on Midtrans Dashboard Portal (MAP)
Config:: $ appendNotifUrl = " https://example.com/test1,https://example.com/test2 " ;
// Use new notification url(s) disregarding the settings on Midtrans Dashboard Portal (MAP)
Config:: $ overrideNotifUrl = " https://example.com/test1 " ;
Weitere Details
Hinweis: Wenn
zusammen verwendet werden, wird nuroverrideNotifUrl
Beide Header können maximal 3 URLs empfangen.
Sie können bei der Ladetransaktion den Idempotenzschlüssel hinzufügen. Dies kann durch das Hinzufügen zusätzlicher HTTP-Header zur Gebührenanforderung erreicht werden. Ist ein eindeutiger Wert, der bei einer API-Anfrage in den Header eingefügt wird. Die Midtrans-API akzeptiert den Idempotency-Key im Header, um Wiederholungsanfragen sicher zu verarbeiten, ohne denselben Vorgang zweimal auszuführen. Dies ist hilfreich, wenn der Händler aufgrund eines Netzwerkproblems oder eines anderen unerwarteten Fehlers keine Antwort erhalten hat.
Config:: $ paymentIdempotencyKey = " Unique-ID " ;
Weitere Details
Wir haben 3 verschiedene Zahlungsprodukte, die Sie nutzen können:
Wählen Sie eines aus, das Ihrer Meinung nach am besten zu Ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen passt.
Sie können hier ein Snap-Beispiel sehen.
$ params = array (
' transaction_details ' => array (
' order_id ' => rand (),
' gross_amount ' => 10000 ,
$ snapToken = Midtrans Snap:: getSnapToken ( $ params );
< html >
< body >
< button id =" pay-button " > Pay! </ button >
< pre > < div id =" result-json " > JSON result will appear here after payment: < br > </ div > </ pre >
<!-- TODO: Remove ".sandbox" from script src URL for production environment. Also input your client key in "data-client-key" -->
< script src =" https://app.sandbox.midtrans.com/snap/snap.js " data-client-key =" <Set your ClientKey here> " > </ script >
< script type =" text/javascript " >
document . getElementById ( 'pay-button' ) . onclick = function ( ) {
// SnapToken acquired from previous step
snap . pay ( '<?=$snapToken?>' , {
// Optional
onSuccess : function ( result ) {
/* You may add your own js here, this is just example */ document . getElementById ( 'result-json' ) . innerHTML += JSON . stringify ( result , null , 2 ) ;
} ,
// Optional
onPending : function ( result ) {
/* You may add your own js here, this is just example */ document . getElementById ( 'result-json' ) . innerHTML += JSON . stringify ( result , null , 2 ) ;
} ,
// Optional
onError : function ( result ) {
/* You may add your own js here, this is just example */ document . getElementById ( 'result-json' ) . innerHTML += JSON . stringify ( result , null , 2 ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
</ script >
</ body >
</ html >
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in diesem Abschnitt
Einige Snap Redirect-Beispiele finden Sie hier.
$ params = array (
' transaction_details ' => array (
' order_id ' => rand (),
' gross_amount ' => 10000 ,
try {
// Get Snap Payment Page URL
$ paymentUrl = Midtrans Snap:: createTransaction ( $ params )-> redirect_url ;
// Redirect to Snap Payment Page
header ( ' Location: ' . $ paymentUrl );
catch ( Exception $ e ) {
echo $ e -> getMessage ();
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in diesem Abschnitt
Einige Core-API-Beispiele finden Sie hier.
MidtransNew3ds . clientKey = "<your client key>" ;
Bitte beachten Sie diese Datei
$ transaction_details = array (
' order_id ' => time (),
' gross_amount ' => 200000
// Populate items
$ items = array (
array (
' id ' => ' item1 ' ,
' price ' => 100000 ,
' quantity ' => 1 ,
' name ' => ' Adidas f50 '
array (
' id ' => ' item2 ' ,
' price ' => 50000 ,
' quantity ' => 2 ,
' name ' => ' Nike N90 '
// Populate customer's billing address
$ billing_address = array (
' first_name ' => " Andri " ,
' last_name ' => " Setiawan " ,
' address ' => " Karet Belakang 15A, Setiabudi. " ,
' city ' => " Jakarta " ,
' postal_code ' => " 51161 " ,
' phone ' => " 081322311801 " ,
' country_code ' => ' IDN '
// Populate customer's shipping address
$ shipping_address = array (
' first_name ' => " John " ,
' last_name ' => " Watson " ,
' address ' => " Bakerstreet 221B. " ,
' city ' => " Jakarta " ,
' postal_code ' => " 51162 " ,
' phone ' => " 081322311801 " ,
' country_code ' => ' IDN '
// Populate customer's info
$ customer_details = array (
' first_name ' => " Andri " ,
' last_name ' => " Setiawan " ,
' email ' => " [email protected] " ,
' phone ' => " 081322311801 " ,
' billing_address ' => $ billing_address ,
' shipping_address ' => $ shipping_address
// Token ID from checkout page
$ token_id = $ _POST [ ' token_id ' ];
// Transaction data to be sent
$ transaction_data = array (
' payment_type ' => ' credit_card ' ,
' credit_card ' => array (
' token_id ' => $ token_id ,
' authentication ' => true ,
// 'bank' => 'bni', // optional to set acquiring bank
// 'save_token_id' => true // optional for one/two clicks feature
' transaction_details ' => $ transaction_details ,
' item_details ' => $ items ,
' customer_details ' => $ customer_details
$ response = Midtrans CoreApi:: charge ( $ transaction_data );
Das Ergebnis der Kreditkartenbelastung enthält möglicherweise redirect_url
für die 3DS-Authentifizierung. Die 3DS-Authentifizierung sollte im Frontend erfolgen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in den API-Dokumenten
Ein vollständiges Beispiel für eine Kreditkarten-3DS-Transaktion finden Sie hier:
// Success
if ( $ response -> transaction_status == ' capture ' ) {
echo " <p>Transaksi berhasil.</p> " ;
echo " <p>Status transaksi untuk order id $ response -> order_id : " .
" $ response -> transaction_status </p> " ;
echo " <h3>Detail transaksi:</h3> " ;
echo " <pre> " ;
var_dump ( $ response );
echo " </pre> " ;
// Deny
else if ( $ response -> transaction_status == ' deny ' ) {
echo " <p>Transaksi ditolak.</p> " ;
echo " <p>Status transaksi untuk order id . $ response -> order_id : " .
" $ response -> transaction_status </p> " ;
echo " <h3>Detail transaksi:</h3> " ;
echo " <pre> " ;
var_dump ( $ response );
echo " </pre> " ;
// Challenge
else if ( $ response -> transaction_status == ' challenge ' ) {
echo " <p>Transaksi challenge.</p> " ;
echo " <p>Status transaksi untuk order id $ response -> order_id : " .
" $ response -> transaction_status </p> " ;
echo " <h3>Detail transaksi:</h3> " ;
echo " <pre> " ;
var_dump ( $ response );
echo " </pre> " ;
// Error
else {
echo " <p>Terjadi kesalahan pada data transaksi yang dikirim.</p> " ;
echo " <p>Status message: [ $ response -> status_code ] " .
" $ response -> status_message </p> " ;
echo " <pre> " ;
var_dump ( $ response );
echo " </pre> " ;
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in diesem Abschnitt
Erstellen Sie einen separaten Web-Endpunkt (Benachrichtigungs-URL), um HTTP-POST-Benachrichtigungsrückrufe/Webhooks zu empfangen. Bei jeder Änderung des Transaktionsstatus wird eine HTTP-Benachrichtigung gesendet. Beispiel auch hier verfügbar
$ notif = new Midtrans Notification ();
$ transaction = $ notif -> transaction_status ;
$ fraud = $ notif -> fraud_status ;
error_log ( " Order ID $ notif -> order_id : " . " transaction status = $ transaction , fraud staus = $ fraud " );
if ( $ transaction == ' capture ' ) {
if ( $ fraud == ' challenge ' ) {
// TODO Set payment status in merchant's database to 'challenge'
else if ( $ fraud == ' accept ' ) {
// TODO Set payment status in merchant's database to 'success'
else if ( $ transaction == ' cancel ' ) {
if ( $ fraud == ' challenge ' ) {
// TODO Set payment status in merchant's database to 'failure'
else if ( $ fraud == ' accept ' ) {
// TODO Set payment status in merchant's database to 'failure'
else if ( $ transaction == ' deny ' ) {
// TODO Set payment status in merchant's database to 'failure'
$ status = Midtrans Transaction:: status ( $ orderId );
var_dump ( $ status );
Wenn der Transaktionsbetrugsstatus == CHALLENGE ist, können Sie die Transaktion über das Händler-Dashboard oder die API genehmigen:
$ approve = Midtrans Transaction:: approve ( $ orderId );
var_dump ( $ approve );
Sie können eine Transaktion mit fraud_status == CHALLENGE
oder eine Kreditkartentransaktion mit transaction_status == CAPTURE
stornieren (bevor sie zu SETTLEMENT wird).
$ cancel = Midtrans Transaction:: cancel ( $ orderId );
var_dump ( $ cancel );
Sie können eine Transaktion mit transaction_status == PENDING
ablaufen lassen (bevor sie zu „SETTLEMENT“ oder „EXPIRE“ wird).
$ cancel = Midtrans Transaction:: cancel ( $ orderId );
var_dump ( $ cancel );
Erstatten Sie eine Transaktion (nicht alle Zahlungskanäle erlauben eine Rückerstattung über API). Sie können eine Transaktion mit transaction_status == settlement
$ params = array (
' refund_key ' => ' order1-ref1 ' ,
' amount ' => 10000 ,
' reason ' => ' Item out of stock '
$ refund = Midtrans Transaction:: refund ( $ orderId , $ params );
var_dump ( $ refund );
Erstatten Sie eine Transaktion über die Direct Refund API. Sie können eine Transaktion mit transaction_status == settlement
$ params = array (
' refund_key ' => ' order1-ref1 ' ,
' amount ' => 10000 ,
' reason ' => ' Item out of stock '
$ direct_refund = Midtrans Transaction:: refundDirect ( $ orderId , $ params );
var_dump ( $ direct_refund );
Standard Nasional Open API Pembayaran, oder kurz SNAP, ist ein nationaler offener API-Standard für Zahlungen, der von der Bank Indonesia veröffentlicht wird. Um mehr zu erfahren, können Sie diese Dokumente lesen
//These config value are based on the header stated here https://docs.midtrans.com/reference/getting-started-1
// Set to Development/Sandbox Environment (default). Set to true for Production Environment (accept real transaction).
SnapBi Config:: $ isProduction = false ;
// Set your client id. Merchant’s client ID that will be given by Midtrans, will be used as X-CLIENT-KEY on request’s header in B2B Access Token API.
SnapBi Config:: $ snapBiClientId = " YOUR CLIENT ID " ;
// Set your private key here, make sure to add n on the private key, you can refer to the examples
SnapBi Config:: $ snapBiPrivateKey = " YOUR PRIVATE KEY " ;
// Set your client secret. Merchant’s secret key that will be given by Midtrans, will be used for symmetric signature generation for Transactional API’s header.
SnapBi Config:: $ snapBiClientSecret = " YOUR CLIENT SECRET " ;
// Set your partner id. Merchant’s partner ID that will be given by Midtrans, will be used as X-PARTNER-ID on Transactional API’s header.
SnapBi Config:: $ snapBiPartnerId = " YOUR PARTNER ID " ;
// Set the channel id here.
SnapBi Config:: $ snapBiChannelId = " CHANNEL ID " ;
// Enable logging to see details of the request/response make sure to disable this on production, the default is disabled.
SnapBi Config:: $ enableLogging = false ;
// Set your public key here if you want to verify your webhook notification, make sure to add n on the public key, you can refer to the examples
SnapBi Config:: $ snapBiPublicKey = " YOUR PUBLIC KEY "
Ausführlichere Informationen zum Erstellen einer Zahlung per Lastschrift finden Sie in diesem Dokument.
date_default_timezone_set ( ' Asia/Jakarta ' );
$ time_stamp = date ( " c " );
$ date = new DateTime ( $ time_stamp );
$ external_id = " uzi-order-testing " . uniqid ();
// Add 10 minutes validity time
$ date -> modify ( ' +10 minutes ' );
// Format the new date
$ valid_until = $ date -> format ( ' c ' );
$ merchant_id = " M001234 " ;
//create direct debit request body/ payload
//you can change the payment method on the `payOptionDetails`
$ debitParams = array (
" partnerReferenceNo " => $ external_id ,
" chargeToken " => "" ,
" merchantId " => $ merchant_id ,
" urlParam " => array (
array (
" url " => " https://www.google.com " ,
" type " => " PAY_RETURN " ,
" isDeeplink " => " Y "
" validUpTo " => $ valid_until ,
" payOptionDetails " => array (
array (
" payMethod " => " DANA " ,
" payOption " => " DANA " ,
" transAmount " => array (
" value " => " 100.0 " ,
" currency " => " IDR " //currently we only support `IDR`
" additionalInfo " => array (
" customerDetails " => array (
" phone " => " 081122334455 " ,
" firstName " => " Andri " ,
" lastName " => " Litani " ,
" email " => " [email protected] " ,
" billingAddress " => array (
" firstName " => " Andri " ,
" lastName " => " Litani " ,
" phone " => " 081122334455 " ,
" address " => " billingAddress " ,
" city " => " billingCity " ,
" postalCode " => " 12790 " ,
" countryCode " => " CZH "
" shippingAddress " => array (
" firstName " => " Andri " ,
" lastName " => " Litani " ,
" phone " => " 081122334455 " ,
" address " => " shippingAddress " ,
" city " => " shippingCity " ,
" postalCode " => " 12790 " ,
" countryCode " => " CZH "
" items " => array (
array (
" id " => " 1 " ,
" price " => array (
" value " => " 100.00 " ,
" currency " => " IDR "
" quantity " => 1 ,
" name " => " Apple " ,
" brand " => " Apple " ,
" category " => " Subscription " ,
" merchantName " => " amazon prime " ,
" url " => " itemUrl "
" metadata " => array ()
* Basic example
* to change the payment method, you can change the value of the request body on the `payOptionDetails`
* the `currency` value that we support for now is only `IDR`
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: directDebit ()
-> withBody ( $ debitParams )
-> createPayment ( $ external_id );
Ausführlichere Informationen zu VA/Banküberweisung finden Sie in diesen Dokumenten.
$ external_id = " uzi-order-testing " . uniqid ();
$ customerVaNo = " 6280123456 " ;
$ merchant_id = " M001234 " ;
$ vaParams = array (
" partnerServiceId " => " 70012 " ,
" customerNo " => $ customerVaNo ,
" virtualAccountNo " => " 70012 " . $ customerVaNo ,
" virtualAccountName " => " Jokul Doe " ,
" virtualAccountEmail " => " [email protected] " ,
" virtualAccountPhone " => " 6281828384858 " ,
" trxId " => $ external_id ,
" totalAmount " => [
" value " => " 10000.00 " ,
" currency " => " IDR "
" additionalInfo " => [
" merchantId " => $ merchant_id ,
" bank " => " mandiri " ,
" flags " => [
" shouldRandomizeVaNumber " => false
" mandiri " => [
" billInfo1 " => " bank_name " ,
" billInfo2 " => " mandiri " ,
" billInfo3 " => " Name: " ,
" billInfo4 " => " Budi Utomo " ,
" billInfo5 " => " Class: " ,
" billInfo6 " => " Computer Science " ,
" billInfo7 " => " ID: " ,
" billInfo8 " => " VT-12345 "
" customerDetails " => [
" firstName " => " Jokul " ,
" lastName " => " Doe " ,
" email " => " [email protected] " ,
" phone " => " +6281828384858 " ,
" billingAddress " => [
" firstName " => " Jukul " ,
" lastName " => " Doe " ,
" address " => " Kalibata " ,
" city " => " Jakarta " ,
" postalCode " => " 12190 " ,
" phone " => " +6281828384858 " ,
" countryCode " => " IDN "
" shippingAddress " => [
" firstName " => " Jukul " ,
" lastName " => " Doe " ,
" address " => " Kalibata " ,
" city " => " Jakarta " ,
" postalCode " => " 12190 " ,
" phone " => " +6281828384858 " ,
" countryCode " => " IDN "
" customField " => [
" 1 " => " custom-field-1 " ,
" 2 " => " custom-field-2 " ,
" 3 " => " custom-field-3 "
" items " => [
" id " => " a1 " ,
" price " => [
" value " => " 1000.00 " ,
" currency " => " IDR "
" quantity " => 3 ,
" name " => " Apel " ,
" brand " => " Fuji Apple " ,
" category " => " Fruit " ,
" merchantName " => " Fruit-store "
" id " => " a2 " ,
" price " => [
" value " => " 1000.00 " ,
" currency " => " IDR "
" quantity " => 7 ,
" name " => " Apel Malang " ,
" brand " => " Fuji Apple " ,
" category " => " Fruit " ,
" merchantName " => " Fruit-store "
* basic implementation to create payment using va
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: va ()
-> withBody ( $ vaParams )
-> createPayment ( $ external_id );
Ausführlichere Informationen zu Qris finden Sie in diesem Dokument.
$ external_id = " uzi-order-testing " . uniqid ();
$ merchant_id = " M001234 " ;
$ qrisBody = array (
" partnerReferenceNo " => $ external_id ,
" amount " => array (
" value " => " 1500.00 " ,
" currency " => " IDR "
" merchantId " => $ merchant_id ,
" validityPeriod " => " 2030-07-03T12:08:56-07:00 " ,
" additionalInfo " => array (
" acquirer " => " gopay " ,
" items " => array (
array (
" id " => " 8143fc4f-ec05-4c55-92fb-620c212f401e " ,
" price " => array (
" value " => " 1500.00 " ,
" currency " => " IDR "
" quantity " => 1 ,
" name " => " test item name " ,
" brand " => " test item brand " ,
" category " => " test item category " ,
" merchantName " => " Merchant Operation "
" customerDetails " => array (
" email " => " [email protected] " ,
" firstName " => " Merchant " ,
" lastName " => " Operation " ,
" phone " => " +6281932358123 "
" countryCode " => " ID " ,
" locale " => " id_ID "
* basic implementation to create payment using Qris
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: qris ()
-> withBody ( $ qrisBody )
-> createPayment ( $ external_id );
Ausführlichere Informationen zum Abrufen des Transaktionsstatus finden Sie in diesem Dokument.
$ merchant_id = " M001234 " ;
$ external_id = " uzi-order-testing " . uniqid ();
$ directDebitStatusByExternalIdBody = array (
" originalExternalId " => " uzi-order-testing66ce90ce90ee5 " ,
" originalPartnerReferenceNo " => " uzi-order-testing66ce90ce90ee5 " ,
" serviceCode " => " 54 " ,
$ directDebitStatusByReferenceBody = array (
" originalReferenceNo " => " A1202408280618283vcBaAmf7RID " ,
" serviceCode " => " 54 " ,
$ vaStatusBody = array (
" partnerServiceId " => " 5818 " ,
" customerNo " => " 628064192914 " ,
" virtualAccountNo " => " 5818628064192914 " ,
" inquiryRequestId " => " uzi-order-testing66dc4799e4af5 " ,
" paymentRequestId " => " uzi-order-testing66dc4799e4af5 " ,
" additionalInfo " => array (
" merchantId " => $ merchant_id
$ qrisStatusBody = array (
" originalReferenceNo " => " A120240910100828anKJlXgsi6ID " ,
" originalPartnerReferenceNo " => " uzi-order-testing66e01a9b8c6bf " ,
" merchantId " => $ merchant_id ,
" serviceCode " => " 54 "
* Example code for Direct Debit getStatus using externalId
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: directDebit ()
-> withBody ( $ statusByExternalId )
-> getStatus ( $ external_id );
* Example code for Direct Debit getStatus using referenceNo
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: directDebit ()
-> withBody ( $ statusByReference )
-> getStatus ( $ external_id );
* Example code for VA (Bank Transfer) getStatus
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: va ()
-> withBody ( $ vaStatusBody )
-> getStatus ( $ external_id );
* Example code for Qris getStatus
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: qris ()
-> withBody ( $ qrisStatusBody )
-> getStatus ( $ external_id );
Ausführlichere Informationen zum Stornieren der Zahlung finden Sie in diesem Dokument.
$ merchant_id = " M001234 " ;
$ external_id = " uzi-order-testing " . uniqid ();
$ directDebitCancelByReferenceBody = array (
" originalReferenceNo " => " A120240902104935GBqSQK0gtQID "
$ directDebitCancelByExternalIdBody = array (
" originalExternalId " => " uzi-order-testing66d5983eabc71 "
$ vaCancelBody = array (
" partnerServiceId " => " 5818 " ,
" customerNo " => " 628014506680 " ,
" virtualAccountNo " => " 5818628014506680 " ,
" trxId " => " uzi-order-testing66dc76754bf1c " ,
" additionalInfo " => array (
" merchantId " => $ merchant_id
$ qrisCancelBody = array (
" originalReferenceNo " => " A120240910091847fYkCqhCH1XID " ,
" merchantId " => $ merchant_id ,
" reason " => " cancel reason " ,
* Basic implementation to cancel transaction using referenceNo
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: directDebit ()
-> withBody ( $ directDebitCancelByReferenceBody )
-> cancel ( $ external_id );
* Basic implementation to cancel transaction using externalId
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: directDebit ()
-> withBody ( $ directDebitCancelByExternalIdBody )
-> cancel ( $ external_id );
* Basic implementation of VA (Bank Transfer) to cancel transaction
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: va ()
-> withBody ( $ vaCancelBody )
-> cancel ( $ external_id );
* Basic implementation of Qris to cancel transaction
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: qris ()
-> withBody ( $ qrisCancelBody )
-> cancel ( $ external_id );
Ausführlichere Informationen zur Rückerstattung der Zahlung finden Sie in diesen Dokumenten.
$ merchant_id = " M001234 " ;
$ external_id = " uzi-order-testing " . uniqid ();
$ directDebitRefundByExternalIdBody = array (
" originalExternalId " => " uzi-order-testing66cec41c7f905 " ,
" partnerRefundNo " => " uzi-order-testing66cec41c7f905 " . " refund-0001 " . rand (),
" reason " => " some-reason " ,
" additionalInfo " => array (),
" refundAmount " => array (
" value " => " 100.00 " ,
" currency " => " IDR "
$ directDebitRefundByReferenceBody = array (
" originalReferenceNo " => " A120240828062651Y0NQMbJkDOID " ,
" reason " => " some-reason " ,
" additionalInfo " => array (),
" refundAmount " => array (
" value " => " 100.00 " ,
" currency " => " IDR "
$ qrisRefundBody = array (
" merchantId " => $ merchant_id ,
" originalPartnerReferenceNo " => " uzi-order-testing66e01a9b8c6bf " ,
" originalReferenceNo " => " A120240910100828anKJlXgsi6ID " ,
" partnerRefundNo " => " partner-refund-no- " . uniqid (),
" reason " => " refund reason " ,
" refundAmount " => array (
" value " => " 1500.00 " ,
" currency " => " IDR "
" additionalInfo " => array (
" foo " => " bar "
* Example code for refund using externalId
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: directDebit ()
-> withBody ( $ directDebitRefundByExternalIdBody )
-> refund ( $ external_id );
* Example code for refund using reference no
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: directDebit ()
-> withBody ( $ directDebitRefundByReferenceBody )
-> refund ( $ external_id );
* Example code for refund using Qris
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: qris ()
-> withBody ( $ qrisRefundBody )
-> refund ( $ external_id );
Sie können den Headerwert hinzufügen oder überschreiben, indem Sie die Methodenkette ->withAccessTokenHeader
oder ->withTransactionHeader
verwenden. In diesem Dokument finden Sie den für Snap-Bi erforderlichen Header-Wert und den Standard-Header für jede Zahlungsmethode
* Example code for Direct Debit refund using additional header
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: directDebit ()
-> withAccessTokenHeader ([
" debug-id " => " va debug id " ,
" X-DEVICE-ID " => " va device id "
-> withTransactionHeader ([
" debug-id " => " va debug id " ,
" X-DEVICE-ID " => " va device id "
-> withBody ( $ directDebitRefundByExternalIdBody )
-> refund ( $ external_id );
* Example code for using additional header on creating payment using VA
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: va ()
-> withAccessTokenHeader ([
" debug-id " => " va debug id " ,
" X-DEVICE-ID " => " va device id "
-> withTransactionHeader ([
" debug-id " => " va debug id " ,
" X-DEVICE-ID " => " va device id "
-> withBody ( $ vaParams )
-> createPayment ( $ external_id );
Wenn Sie Ihr vorheriges Zugriffstoken gespeichert haben und es wiederverwenden möchten, können Sie dies mithilfe von ->withAccessToken
* Example reusing your existing accessToken by using ->withAccessToken
$ snapBiResponse = SnapBi:: va ()
-> withAccessToken ( " your-access-token " )
-> withBody ( $ vaParams )
-> createPayment ( $ external_id );
Um die Snap-Bi-Zahlungsbenachrichtigung zu implementieren, können Sie auf diese Dokumente verweisen. Um die Webhook-Benachrichtigung zu überprüfen, die Sie erhalten, können Sie die folgende Methode verwenden
//the request body/ payload sent by the webhook
$ payload = json_decode(
" originalPartnerReferenceNo " : " uzi-order-testing67039fa9da813 " ,
" originalReferenceNo " : " A120241007084530GSXji4Q5OdID " ,
" merchantId " : " G653420184 " ,
" amount " : {
" value " : " 10000.00 " ,
" currency " : " IDR "
" latestTransactionStatus " : " 03 " ,
" transactionStatusDesc " : " PENDING " ,
" additionalInfo " : {
" refundHistory " : [],
" userPaymentDetails " : []
// to get the signature value, you need to retrieve it from the webhook header called X-Signature
$ xSignature = " CgjmAyC9OZ3pB2JhBRDihL939kS86LjP1VLD1R7LgI4JkvYvskUQrPXgjhrZqU2SFkfPmLtSbcEUw21pg2nItQ0KoX582Y6Tqg4Mn45BQbxo4LTPzkZwclD4WI+aCYePQtUrXpJSTM8D32lSJQQndlloJfzoD6Rh24lNb+zjUpc+YEi4vMM6MBmS26PpCm/7FZ7/OgsVh9rlSNUsuQ/1QFpldA0F8bBNWSW4trwv9bE1NFDzliHrRAnQXrT/J3chOg5qqH0+s3E6v/W21hIrBYZVDTppyJPtTOoCWeuT1Tk9XI2HhSDiSuI3pevzLL8FLEWY/G4M5zkjm/9056LTDw== " ;
// to get the timeStamp value, you need to retrieve it from the webhook header called X-Timestamp
$ xTimeStamp = " 2024-10-07T15:45:22+07:00 " ;
// the url path is based on the webhook url of the payment method for example for direct debit is `/v1.0/debit/notify`
$ notificationUrlPath = " /v1.0/debit/notify "
* Example verifying the webhook notification
$ isVerified = SnapBi::notification()
->withBody( $ payload )
->withSignature( $ xSignature )
->withTimeStamp( $ xTimeStamp )
->withNotificationUrlPath( $ notificationUrlPath )
-> isWebhookNotificationVerified ()
Bitte ändern Sie den Serverschlüssel und den Clientschlüssel in phpunit.xml
in Ihren eigenen.
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/integration/CoreApiIntegrationTest.php
Es gibt mehrere Anleitungen, die bei der Entwicklung neuer Plugins beachtet werden müssen.
Umgang mit anderen Währungen als IDR. Midtrans v1
und v2
akzeptiert derzeit nur Zahlungen in indonesischen Rupiah. Als Gegenstück findet auf dem Server eine Validierung statt, um zu prüfen, ob die Artikelpreise eine Ganzzahl sind oder nicht. Auch wenn Sie versucht sind, den Preis aufzurunden, tun Sie das NICHT! Bereiten Sie sich immer vor, wenn Ihr System andere Währungen als IDR verwendet, konvertieren Sie diese entsprechend in IDR und runden Sie den Preis erst DANACH.
Erwägen Sie die Verwendung der automatischen Desinfektionsfunktion .