Google Maps Direction API Helfer für Android
Da Version 2.1.2 von JCenter nach Mavencentral wechselt
// build.gradle (project)
allprojects {
repositories {
/* ... */
implementation 'com.akexorcist:google-direction-library:1.2.1'
Einfache Richtungsanfrage
GoogleDirection .withServerKey( " YOUR_SERVER_API_KEY " )
.from( LatLng ( 37.7681994 , - 122.444538 ))
.to( LatLng ( 37.7749003 , - 122.4034934 ))
.avoid( AvoidType . FERRIES )
.avoid( AvoidType . HIGHWAYS )
onDirectionSuccess = { direction : Direction ? ->
if (direction.isOK()) {
// Do something
} else {
// Do something
onDirectionFailure = { t : Throwable ->
// Do something
Multiple Waypoints Richtungsanforderung
GoogleDirection .withServerKey( " YOUR_SERVER_API_KEY " )
.from( LatLng ( 41.8838111 , - 87.6657851 ))
. and ( LatLng ( 41.8766061 , - 87.6556908 ))
. and ( LatLng ( 41.8909056 , - 87.6467561 ))
.to( LatLng ( 41.9007082 , - 87.6488802 ))
.transportMode( TransportMode . DRIVING )
onDirectionSuccess = { direction : Direction ? ->
if (direction.isOK()) {
// Do something
} else {
// Do something
onDirectionFailure = { t : Throwable ->
// Do something
val waypoints : List < LatLng > = listOf (
LatLng ( 41.8766061 , - 87.6556908 ),
LatLng ( 41.8909056 , - 87.6467561 )
GoogleDirection .withServerKey( " YOUR_SERVER_API_KEY " )
.from( LatLng ( 41.8838111 , - 87.6657851 ))
. and (waypoints)
.to( LatLng ( 41.9007082 , - 87.6488802 ))
.transportMode( TransportMode . DRIVING )
onDirectionSuccess = { direction : Direction ? ->
if (direction.isOK()) {
// Do something
} else {
// Do something
onDirectionFailure = { t : Throwable ->
// Do something
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Beispielcode
Um API -Schlüssel zu erhalten, lesen
Probieren Sie es bei Google Play aus
-keep class** { *; }
-keep interface* { *; }
-dontwarn retrofit2.**
-keep class retrofit2.** { *; }
-keepattributes Signature
-keepattributes Exceptions
-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
@retrofit2.http.* <methods>;
-keep class com.akexorcist.googledirection.model.** { *;}
Copyright 2021 AKEXORCIST
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