QQ quick login plug-in for KesionCMS V7.0x
QQ account quick login has been open for some time, but Tencent officials only provide PHP integration examples and do not provide examples of ASP source code. As one of the well-known open source CMS developers in China, KesionCMS has developed the QQ quick login interface plug-in for the asp version in response to the needs of users. This plug-in is developed for QQ account quick login of KesionCMS V7.0x series version. Since this plug-in is highly versatile, you can also make slight modifications and apply it to any of your asp website systems. Respect intellectual property rights. Please retain copyright after modification. information.
QQ quick login plug-in for KesionCMS V7.0x usage steps:
1. Please unzip the compressed package downloaded above and upload it to your website (if you are using the utf-8 version, do not overwrite the user directory)
2. Run http://yourdomainname/update.asp to upgrade the database
3. Go to http://connect.opensns.qq.com/apply QQ open platform to apply for access
4. Use editing tools such as dw to open api/qq/config.asp, and set the following to the appid and appkey just applied for in the third step.
Please change the following information to the information you applied for
const appid = 10000 The appid applied for by opensns.qq.com
const appkey = "" The appkey applied for by opensns.qq.com
const callback = "http://your domain name/api/qq/get_access_token.asp" The redirect address after successful QQ login
After going through the above steps, there is no surprise. Congratulations, your website has integrated QQ login function.