Login background path: HTTP://your website/admin
Username: admin Password: admin
1. Add system log function;
2. Rewrite the system email function code to support three basic email sending methods;
3. Modify the enterprise registration email to confirm the activation function;
4. Add the function of retrieving passwords for system users;
5. Integrate the registration and login of individual members and corporate members;
6. Enterprise self-service website building increases the number of enterprise website templates;
7. Modify the system’s default background administrator’s ability to modify and delete functions online;
8. Optimize the background management function and simplify the background audit function;
9. Integrate and optimize database;
10. Add background control to whether friendly connections are open;
11. Add background control functions for about us, contact us, and payment methods;
12. Add a payment reminder function for corporate users after registration;
13. Optimize the background permission function of enterprise users;
14. Add background control in the form of second-level domain names;
15. Add corporate business card function;
16. Enhance the system’s internal search function;
17. Add automatic changes to the background directory;
18. Add an information publishing editor, and set whether to use it in the background, perfectly integrating the backend of BusinessLink;
19. Support setting whether the user can use the editor;
20. Supports the function of generating HTML news, and supports batch generation and deletion;
21. Supports calling the front-end home page of news, products, enterprises, business opportunities, etc., which is simple, convenient and powerful;
22. A new corporate briefcase is added, including picture library, folders, favorites, business card book, text messages, toolbox, and leisure room. It supports functions such as controlling its space and upload restrictions, and is easy to call;
23. Add system settings to check whether the server supports it when sending messages;
24. Add personal backend TOP.asp;