The web search program was launched, formerly known as Zhenhaosou Thief program, and was updated again two years later. It will continue to be updated in the future. The specific target site is a well-known domestic search engine. This program requires asp.net2.0 environment support (3.5 class library) and no database.
v30425 version
The bin folder should be placed in the root directory. The website name can be modified in web.config.
Modify or replace it yourself in index.html
s.aspx is the search results page, which blocks the advertisements of the target site. You can add js advertisements according to your own needs. The fixes in this release are:
1. Fix the page turning problem that appears on the second page of 115 search.
2. Fix the problem that Baidu search cannot obtain the number of search results. (About **** related results were found).
3. Fixed the problem that the search result list and quantity could not be obtained.